
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DominatorYoPal, Oct 4, 2012.

  1. Crouching Tiger club is up. I have disabled requests to keep the noobs out for now so wall me if you want to come early  I'll open the doors
  2. I'm only hitting you Philip. 
  3. I spelt your name with one L because I disrespect you that much.
  4. Loving the trash talk  remember what happens in war stays in war no drama or ghost_ryder going to sf troublemakers
  5. Wait...when's this? o_O
  6. I'll crush tiger and turn him into the little kitty he is, all purr, no claw? 
    Fail 
  7. Phil it's all in the original thread it's a 24 hr war noon Friday eastern time it will b declared
  8. Can you send me invite? I have pacific time
  9. War

     ill join. Tiger side
  10. For u Phil it's 7am for war challenge but it's open so u can join whatever side u want when able
  11. Bump bump.....

  12. Keepin the thread alive 
  13. I wanna war tiger side please
  14. I already got a spot picked out for you Sexy
  15. Ill join tiger side jst because its my school mascot
  16. Me and 2 alts all coming I loves me a good war 
  17. did I say I was coming already? 
    jason I'm coming. Not sure which acc I'll use