It's when to people hire you over and over increasing your hire value and it gives you money however if you are one of the people who are hiring if you keep the tutor you lose money if you let the other person win you gain money Hope this helped and more questions pm me
Too confusing When two people (a and b) repeatedly hire a third person (c), that is called a volley When a tutor is hired from you, you make a cut of the hire cost. The two people get that money, making it worthwhile for them. The person C gets money up to one million each time they are hired. I hope that was clearer.
Oh cool.. well i hope someone does that with me hha.. you guys were so helpful thanks .. oh btw if you change your I.D does it affect anything?
Well there is a red reset button at the bottom of your profile it resets your account and all you keep is your friends and your tutors If you use the orange diamonds it just changes your name and nothing else happens
Different avatars give you different strength/intelligence bonuses. The more expensive ones give you more percentage bonuses. Look on the top left hand corner when you browse through avatars, that tells you what the bonus is for each one ;-)