"One Direction "

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Glenn-, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. So as if the "hire me", "JOIN MA RP CLUB SO WE CAN SEXT ALL DAY", "Cute girls follow me ", "OMG IM SO BORED ANY HOT GUYS WANNA CHAT" were not enough, I have discovered a new trend on campus.


    Is there a way to ban these players, who come on the game to do nothing but babble about One Direction all day? :/
  2. Unfortunately babbling on about tweenage boy bands is not against the ToS -_-
  3. I'm not an idiot, I know that 
  4. I know that feel, Glenn..
    Since One Direction's Live While We're Young has been released, campus has been taken over by Crazy Directioners singing that song.
  5. They obviously haven't listened to real stuff...
  6. I love One Direction...  but I don't post on cc much...
  7. You save me, and when you leave it's gone again (finishing the verse)
  8. One direction  - the only direction they should take is straight off a cliff. 
  9. These girls should keep their hormones in control
  10. Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy til we see the sun!
    We'll never, never, never, stop for anyone!
    I know that we just met, but lets pretend its love!
    Lets go get some.... and live while we're young!!!
  11. is that a song?
    Not very up-to-date..

    and (<~~~) isn't that bad a group, just overrated. :roll:
  12. Ok then go make a club and tell how one dorection is stupid. Making a thread about this is useless. Not trolling or anything just tired of useless threads
  13. I agree. It's like people are trying to find something to complain about. Just play the damn game or don't and delete it. If you need to complain about what's said on WC then just stop reading it.
  14. Meh. Their songs were okay when they were released, but they are way overplayed.

    If you hate the band, seriously, no need to make a big deal. You have to give celebrities respect for handling all the hate. If you can't manage that, you can sit quietly in a corner and not say anything.

    "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it."

    TheMeanGirl out. 
  15. This isn't as useless as the other "hire me" threads, chill the fuck out 
  16. the picture, let's go crazy crazy til we see the BOX
  17. 
  18. This thread is still useless dont compare it to other thread. I dont even go to campus and read what ppl are saying. Its not like its a real chat. No one acturally have a convo on it.