Late Night Comedy

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -R4V4G3-, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. Welcome to Late Night Comedy

    I'm thinking about starting a Late Night Comedy thread, but before I start something like this I would want to make sure you forumers approve of it. Drop a  if you approve, or a  if you don't.

    *Not made to offend or harm anyone in any way shape or form, just merely for entertainment purposes*

    An example of things I might say:

    At one of Maddona's concerts she announced that if president Barack Obama is re-elected she is going to strip... He's now trailing in the polls by 97%... You see when Madonna strips, everyone's poles go down!

  2. I laughed at that one..haha
  3. damn i should go to bed but this was goof.
  4. Glad you like it 

    I want to get the communities approval before I start this on a regular basis.
  5. 
  6.  Go Rav!
  7. Omg, so goofy yet made me laugh why not, Bro- take a chance- let haters hate, LIFE rewards action always
  8. Thanks Jetboy 
  9. I meant in a good waykeep goin , if I laugh irl it's usually a good thing....unless its cuz u take ur pants off
  10.  lol
  11. lol
  12. lets get our comedy on

    I know nobody says thatshut up i just want to see smile dang it!
  13. tis awesome
  14. Thanks guys 
  15. That's great haha keep it coming
  16. \(^o^)/ It's awesome! I'm doing a comedy comic on my walll so I think this is great!
  17. DO IT!


    That was hilarious!
  18. thats really funny  do more! XD