You brought up the topic, let date plays its own role. I'm not stopping until she apologizes for being insensitive about an insensitive topic. It's stupid, really. You throw out your input, and then criticize those who are morally correct about an issue. More like a domino effect of making threads that make people feel like shit, because that is all I see today!
From what I see it's hard to say who's side im on, I do believe strawberry was exaggerating some things, and it may have offended others. But I don't believe she's heartless in anyway shape or form. The hearts were meant for love and encouragement, to let people know that others love you no matter who you are or what you've done. Her intentions for the thread was basically to let those who are having a hard time that there are people who still care, you may not see it but it's there. There are other solutions rather than bringing yourself out of this world, that certain scenario may not happen, but there will always be people that miss you when you're gone.
You realize you're making her cry in real life? Lay up buddy. She's a girl, how does it feel to make a teenage girl cry
See, when you exaggerate about suicide, people tend to get OFFENDED.. Because a friend of mine just commit suicide because of a car accident I was involved in, two days ago. So when you are sitting here saying that people are killing themselves because someone else killed themselves just KIND OF irks me a little bit because you were bored and just felt like making a thread.
I'm not being insensitive, I'm not apologizing for my opinion. You have no clue what I've been through, you think you can call me heartless? Insensitive? Check the mirror if you're going to say that about me.
Terry, why don't you ask yourself how it feels to make an entire population upset due to over-exaggeration? Like I said, one false description, and that is how world war 3 will start, and baby I'm bringing the heat.
Strawberry, if you are being sensitive, you wouldn't say ANYTHING you said in that thread about suicide.
Just my opinion... If you're going to cry over getting insulted you shouldn't even be on the forums...
Right because it was totally off base? Because when people kill themselves everyone is okay and happy?..
Cjs, you think a thread on a video game that hardy 5,000 ppl play is gonna offend an entire population? No, now I'm asking you kindly to leave this thread for harassment...
Nobody is happy and okay, and coming onto a fun and interactive game and seeing depressing things like a heartless girl describing an apocalypse of death and suicide like it is nobody's business except herself, isn't exactly appealing. If you know what I mean?
CJS you're not understanding what the thread was meant for, I now know why you're angry and upset over this, but you have to realize she didn't mean to offend anyone, she just doesn't want anyone to commit suicide, and I think that's something none of us want.
A girl with a heart wouldn't explicitly define in great detail the outcome of a suicide, and the thoughts and actions people have afterwards.
Everybody. Really. Why are you arguing over this? My suggestion is that you all be quiet and move on with life.