Okay, so I have all state choir auditions coming up, and in order to get in you must know how to site read. Well, according to my teacher, all 4ths, 5ths, 6ths, and octaves are always perfect. In order to strengthen my ability to identify intervals, I looked up YouTube videos, and according to them there are minor 6ths and major 6ths, they are not perfect. Is this right, and if so, is there a reason for my teacher telling me 6ths are perfect?
From what i've learnt, 6ths are not perfects. They are like thirds, they can be major or minor. I'm not sure why your teacher told you they were perfect... Maybe they just got it wrong? (^o^)/
Well.... Major 6ths are "perfect" and minor 6ths usually are๎ Try asking ur private teacher if u have one, and pm me if anything ๎ good luck!
The bad thing is its a public school choir teacher so if this is true he didn't just convince me that they're perfects but anyone who he's ever taught about site reading