 The Abusement Park 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SweetPineapple, Sep 24, 2012.

  1.  Wanna Have A Wonderful Time At A Park?  Look Up The Abusement Park And Come Have Fun For you I'll even give you A Spank On the way in  
  2. Sounds inviting 
  3. This club is very great indeed
  4. GummyBear
    The Abusement Park sounds like its no place for me. /).(\
  5.  Enthralling
  6. is it only for guys? or do you accept gals as well
  7. Interesting  Do you do parties too 
  8. Girls and guys
  9. Yes we do bubba gump
  10. interesting what rides does this club have 
  11. I went there once :3

    My ass still hurts 
  12. A LOT of Rides and you can go on one with each guy. 
  13. lol FLARE
  14. is there a haunted house? 
    I like screaming 
  15. Hai :3

    Either I'm stupid and don't remember you, or you're just giving me heart eyes :3

    Either way, I'm going back every year 
  16. Just giving heart eyes  and every years?
  17. Every year  or month  or day 
  18. Everyday would be awesome 