McDonald's !

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *The_Name_Is_Jessica (01), Sep 27, 2012.

  1. Good to know. Haven't done the update yet
  2. Some people didn't get the update yet, and its not mandatory. I don't think that point makes any sense .-.
  3. Eating McDonald's is like, a drug. It may seem good at the time, but it'll kill you if you do too much
  4. Fast food is ok in moderation. I like Wendy's at whitecastle alot better then mcdonalds
  5. Its all about Harvey's!
  6. I love Mickey D's 
  7. no.

  8. They use fake fries, fake meat, and fake soda! It's made out of fake water!
  9. I fucking love McDolan's. I have it sometimes though, not a lot.
  10. When I was pregnant with my son a few years ago, the only craving I had the entire time was their fries. It was unquenchable and incessant. 
  11. Anyone else hate the service at McDonald's?
  12. Popeyes 
  13. Carl's Jr with the new BBQ Burger 

    (Memphis BBQ Burger or something like that? The one with the two hot girls in the commercial $

     (drooling)
  14. I've always liked the waffle fries from chick-fil-a better  Fast foods are kind of gross 
  15.  some might be unhealthy but not GROSS subway is okay
  16. Wait cal the whitecastle as in Harold and Kumar ? 