Oh my gosh ! I like / dislike McDonald's for many reason What I like .The FRIES .The little donation thingy I always give the change I have there .I like the ice tea Things I hate .When I see the drive tho packed but the inside empty -_- like come on ! It's takes 10secs to get out and walk inside LAZINESS ! Smh .. .When the old lady takes forever in line looking for coupons >.< ugh ! .When your mom says " These fries are not hot -_- the evil look the cooks give you like they are going to spit in your food >.< .The FLIES EW ! >.< <- not a fly but the closet thing I could find Jessica
You know the fries of McDonalds are specially bred potatoes that are meant to be unhealthy and fattening, right? If not, now you do
Oh my gosh, here is what I hate: The foriegn beef The fake food The fast food When they say "Made with real beef" so you use fake before? The grease The obiesity Here is what I like: The grass The free refills The free wifi
I work at McDonald's, their frozen fries that we let sit in grease, then we let the grease drip off, then they sit under a heat lamp till orders come in. Sound tasty right?!
Oh well... I mean last time I checked my phone came with it already installed. So your saying I can't say clock,map or even app store because its a third party app
Didn't get the software update? Because you lose it, because google (not an app, I hope ) bought out that third party app