McDonald's !

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *The_Name_Is_Jessica (01), Sep 27, 2012.

  1. Oh my gosh ! I like / dislike McDonald's for many reason
    What I like
    .The FRIES 
    .The little donation thingy I always give the change I have there
    .I like the ice tea 
    Things I hate
    .When I see the drive tho packed but the inside empty -_- like come on ! It's takes 10secs to get out and walk inside LAZINESS ! Smh ..
    .When the old lady takes forever in line looking for coupons >.< ugh ! 
    .When your mom says " These fries are not hot -_- the evil look the cooks give you like they are going to spit in your food >.<
    .The FLIES EW ! >.<  <- not a fly but the closet thing I could find
     Jessica 
  2. You know the fries of McDonalds are specially bred potatoes that are meant to be unhealthy and fattening, right?

    If not, now you do 
  3. Oh my gosh, here is what I hate:

    The foriegn beef
    The fake food
    The fast food
    When they say "Made with real beef" so you use fake before?
    The grease
    The obiesity

    Here is what I like:

    The grass
    The free refills
    The free wifi
  4.  well YUM  Jk
  5. I work at McDonald's, their frozen fries that we let sit in grease, then we let the grease drip off, then they sit under a heat lamp till orders come in.

    Sound tasty right?!
  6. The fries never mold either. If you don't believe me then check it out on YouTube.
  7. ._. that video site is a 3rd party app.
  8. Because that third party app is so reliable .-.
  9.  silence comes your way ..RUN !! 
  10. -_- now I don't like their fries ..I'll stay with tofu ..or subway
  11. This is on the hush-hush
  12. And yes wifi ..and refills the best -_-
  13. Whoa creepy name demon and 666  I used to ride a bus in hs the bus # was 666 creepy right
  14. Oh well... I mean last time I checked my phone came with it already installed. So your saying I can't say clock,map or even app store because its a third party app
  15. Yeah, that's what i'd use in that arguement
  16. Didn't get the software update? Because you lose it, because google (not an app, I hope ) bought out that third party app
  17. **** it 