Guide to creeping out PIMD girls

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MrsG-I-Joe, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. Ok this is for all you sexters and pimd singles looking for that perfect PIMD wife.

    You're all doing it wrong!

    I've seen you post on world chat and I can honestly say you're all losing your creep factor. So here's a guide that you can follow that'll guarantee a creeped out girl, possibly one who will not only block you, but get her friends to farm you, too.

    #1 Tell her that you wanna go into her house and watch her sleep. Some girls go crazy over this kinda stuff.
    It worked for Edward and Bella, It should work for you. I mean seriously think about it. What girl wouldn't want an old yet young looking man staring at them while they sleep?
    Want to let her know that she's being watched in her sleep, yet don't have the courage to post it on her wall? Then gift her noob!  at least 5 gifts to make sure she knows that you're creeping on her

    #2 Saying things like, "recently single, long-term relationship, newly divorced or married in an open relationship"...

    Mention any of the above and you will find a quick and sure way to scare any potential PIMD wife She's still not creeped out? Mention the word "cheater" and she will surely avoid following you back 

    #3 Mentioning any of your body parts, thinking any girl would want some of that... Or whatever you got.

     Asking girls to do certain sexual acts on ya only leads to one conclusion.... You're obviously not getting any... therefore, there must be something wrong with you to have to ask in a non-dating site game. But hey, there are possibly girls looking for what you've got to offer... Then again there's a 50% chance it's another man 

    #4 Asking girls if they want to have your babies 

    I saw a guy do this to my friend in real life and I felt creeped out for her it's worse of you already have baby names for the 6 children you want to have... it's ten times worse if you ask to start baby making in the same sentence. AND it's 100 times worse if you say you wanna carry her child

    #5 Tell her exactly what she's wearing and tell her to clean up her room coz its hard to see what she's doing.
    STALKER ALERT There's nothing more Creepy than letting a girl know you're watching her through her window... Especially if her house is two storeys, or if she lives in an apartment. Why not mention it on the campus banner? Sure it's 25 speakers... But really think about it. What are 25 speakers compared to the satisfaction in knowing you creeped your gal out?

    #6 Mention you Love the following artists : Justin Bieber, One Direction

    heck, this is one sure way to kill any mojo you think you might have. This one explains itself.

    I'm sure there are plenty of other ways to bring the creepy back into campus....

    But I don't wanna give too much away. Amazing what procrastination produces

    Anyways, caio my wanna-be stalkers and potential serial killers.... And remember:

  2.  you forgot to mention to Leave detailed pictures of her sleeping you drew of her in her bedroom, that'll creep her out for sure  or you can just leave photographs 
  3. Do you want to carry my babies?  don't tell Canadian_babe xD
  4. And what about burping? Farting? No no no.

    Got it.

    Tell her how healthy ~r@p you just made and how satisfied you feel about it !

    That works too.

    Also tell her that you enjoy daily mere 3 spliffs of course only if you run low on beer only.

    Those work too ! Certified !!!
  5.  nicely done Nina
  6.  Bubba Nina, you're amazing!!  This is brilliant!!
  7. 
  8. Nina.  That is all. 
  9. hahaha brilliant :)))
  10. I'm bringing creepy back.

    See a fly girl in the club, do the creep. 
  11. Omg this is so funny  rofl
  12. This is so hilarious Nina 
  13. Love it Ninz bro 

    He's a creeper 
  14.  I just thought of other ones!!

    # 7 Hiring your potential lady victim... Erhh i mean PIMD wife.

    So wanna keep that girl in your clutches and she's blocked and unfollowed you already... Then farm and do your jobs boy!! so you have enough $$$ to hire her.  you may not be able to wall or pm her... But she won't be able to avoid you in tc

    #8 tell her you love her after only just meeting her

    You know how guys get scared when you mention love too soon? Well, the same could be said for proclaiming your unwanted amour too early.... Works really well when she's a random stranger and you post on their wall... It just destroys any chances you might have with that girl .... COMPLETELY

    Anyone wanna add more?
  15. Lmao, I love #7 
  16. #9 Overcompensating your body parts

    I'm sure you are hung like a horse  and I'm sure when you walk in a stable, all the mares are wanting to be your little pony But reality is being hung like a horse is anatomically abnormal and good God get that thing checked!! Overcompensating just let's the ladies know how  tiny you are.... Or what a creepy body you have