I so shouldn't be up right now >.< but since I can't sleep, here's a short update ******************************************** A few months earlier... "You guys this isn't funny!" I say with a smirk on my face. Derek and Damon laugh even harder. I'd spilled my soda on myself, being the klutz I am. It'd gotten all over my shirt and jeans and now there was a stain where the soda was drying up. "What am I gonna do? I can't go walking around the mall like this!" I say, trying hard to keep a straight face. Derek stops laughing, but keeps smiling at me. You could see the amusement in his grey eyes. He thought it was hilarious. "Just calm down, go in the bathroom and try and wash out as much of it as you can ok?" he says, still smiling. "But it's not gonna come out!" I complain. "Yes it will, just trust me." He replies. I sigh. "Ok." I say, still not believing him. I go into the girl's bathroom and start trying to get the stain out of my shirt. 'There's no way this is gonna work.' I thought to myself, scrubbing hard at the stain. A few minutes later, there's a knock on the bathroom door. I open it and Derek and Damon are standing there holding a a shopping bag. They hand it to me. "Here." they say at the same time. I take it. "What is it?" I ask, peering inside. "It's a new outfit for you to change into." Damon says. "We went and bought you one since you stained that one. Now you don't have to walk around the mall with stains on you clothes." Derek says, smiling. "You guys went and bought this for me? Aww thank you guys so much! That was very sweet of you!" I hug them. "Ok let me change real quick." I say, closing the door. I go into a stall and change, with a smile on my face. Derek and Damon were so sweet. We've been really good friends ever since elementary school. I loved them to death, and they were both really attractive, well to me at least. Not a lot of girls found them attractive. Derek and Damon were brothers, Derek being the younger of the two. Damon was the oldest, he was 19, and Derek was my age,18. Despite the fact that they were brothers, they hardly looked alike. Damon had green eyes with little flecks of gray in them, brown hair, and dimples. He was like all muscle from working out everyday at football practice. Derek, on the other hand, had grey eyes with little flecks of green, jet black hair, and no dimples, but he had a really cute smile. You know those cute little side smiles? Well yeah, his was like that. Derek wasn't that muscly, because he didn't work out as much as Damon did. I hated to admit it, but I had a huge crush on both of them. I know I can't date both of them but I really wish I could. I just didn't know who to choose. And the worst part is, I don't even know if they feel the same way about me. There was another knock on the door. "Katie hurry up, what's taking so long?" called Derek. "I'm coming!" I call back as I stuff my stained clothes into the shopping bag. I check myself in the full length mirror quickly just to see how the outfit looked and opened the door. "Does it look ok?" I asked. "Yeah you look great." Derek said smiling. Damon nodded in agreement. I smiled. "Thanks guys. I really appreciate what you did for me." I said sincerely. "It was no problem." they said at the same time. "Ok you guys ready to go?" I asked. They nod and we start walking through the mall. I couldn't really focus on anything though, I was too busy trying to decide whether or not Derek or Damon liked me and if it would ruin our friendship or not. I didn't notice the person running through the mall in my direction until it was too late. ******************************************** Sorry if there are any errors, and let me know what you guys think! And if you have any ideas, suggestions, feedback, or criticism that would be great!