Best songs of 2012

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Khrissiey (01), Sep 15, 2012.

  1. So,hey y'all. Basically,all ya gotta do is post ya fave songs of 2012.
  2. Rack City
  3. Sleep alone-two door cinema club
  4. That music in the elevator yesterday
  5. Payphone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. We are never ever ever ever getting back together- Taylor Swift
  7. I love pay phone and never ever getting back together
  8. Paradise o.o
  9. Not a massive fan of paradise but your free to have your own opinion
  10. Sing: Hero
    Artist: Skillet
    Album: Awake
  11. Pumped up kicks!! When makenzie borg sings it
  12. Bands a make her dance juciy j
  13. Bands a make her dance juciy j
  14. my favourite songs are the songs of one Direction and i like gangnam style too, xx
  15. my favourite songs are the songs of one Direction and i like gangnam style too, xx
  16. Lol Gangnam style is funny but I can't understand anything..
  17. Sleep alone-2 door cinema club <3 :D
  18. My fave songs? Hold on. Lol
  19. One persons favorite music is another's headache, Christiano. There's no such thing as "bad" music. It's all preferences.