 Random Question 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Luckystarfan, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. If you found a wallet with $500 dollars in it with an ID and you have found it in front of a police station, what would you do with it?

    Be honest 
  2. Would take the money and leave the wallet
  3. I would have turned it into the police cause the person who lost it could be very worried about it and they probably needed the money for something important
  4. If you took itkarma, you would probably trip on a bug then fall down stairs, get knocked out. When you wake up, you would probably find you're wallet was missing and upon further investigation, the wallet would most probably be found in a sewer..with, of course, $500 missing..
  5. 
  6. I'm gona be honest.
    I would take about 100-250 dollars out of there then return it. Then the guy will be like "thank you, here's a reward" and I'll be like "I already got my reward" and I'll do the fuck yeah guy. (meme. F word)
  7. Who cares cash anymore, it's all credit cards 
  8. Some ppl might carry cash around..,, might 
  9. But not that much
  10. I would return it :3 right thing to do
  11. I would return it.. The money would be nice but I have personally had some money stolen from me at a party one time recently and it sucked so I'd just give it back. Plus like other people said, karmas a bitch
  12. I carry money on me but it's only about $2-$5 dollars 
  13. I wasted l my money on sweets 
  14. I would have casually walked over there picked it up then look at ittake out a cigarette(even though I don't smoke) then put it in my pocket while I sit there smoking... then casually walk off and then when I got around the corner I would run screaming I'm lucky!! while the police are still in the building smiling and holding in their anger at people
  15. I'd give it back. The person will probably give you a reward anyway. If not, you can subtlety hint.  Yeah... But I would be the hell tempted. I have $0 in my iTunes account right now... Spent all my money at the State Fair.
  16. I would be tempted to take the money, but I'd turn it into the police station  besides what if it's a trap and I end up being on TV on a show about greedy people  no but seriously I'd turn it in.
  18. 
  19. I would eat it