Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -JadaUnicornLovesMaxie-, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. 'Ello!

    I'm hear to talk about...


    I'm OBSESSED with this show.

    So freaking obsessed that I bought all of the seasons! 

    So, I was wondering.....

    WHO YA GONNA CALL?
  2. Ghostbusters?
  3. You should watch it! 

    No, you're going to call Sam and Dean.
  4. I'm gonna call Ghostbusters anyway.
  5. I watch it  it's really good  I'm waiting for new season to start already  I'm excited . Dean is my favorite tho lol 
  6. I like Sam <3

    They're both cute D: </3
  7. Hmmmm lol I like the song that always plays at the beginning of the new season and end of season lol
  8. BOO!!!!!

     did I scare you?
  9. I love Supernatural!!!  Castiel 
  10. CROWLEY
    Sells soul for a few inches below the belt
    That's class