Pokémon Survey

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Hex-3, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. LOL don't ask me why but I want to know what everyone's favourite Pokemon is so
    Please Tell Me
  2. Pikachuduh
  3. Feraligatr<3
  4. Phanpy  so cute or Articuno
  5. Eee im suck a pokemon nerd  i have not outgrown it 
  6. Squirtle all the way!!!
  7. Theres too many ;(

    I like eevee and all deh evolution, vulpix, ninetails, ponita, rapidash, growlite, the list will go on and on lol

    But i think my very fav of all is ninetails, if not, absol :eek:
  8. My favorite pokemon...

    probably munchlax, in the movies he is funny.

    For the games, probably Scizor.
  10. Gardevoir

    Or a smokin Feralligatr!!
  11. Squirtle, mudkip, totadile, piplup, my starters in each generation games...did I forget any?
  12. Oh I got snivy and was traded tepig...
    Realized I've used water in almost every gen xD