8luh 8luh 8luh.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Goldialocks, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. I... Am in need, of major help.

    Give me some advice on how to get rid of raging, stupid shit-faced dinosaur ranting dads that you've been ignoring for a fucking month.

    Yes. 'Get rid'. Not 'ignore him for another month and face his Goddamned ranting ever again'.

    Don't care if I get hate from this. Many of my friends are asleep and right now I'm not ready to trust people, so I'll just give this public shout a go and see what'll happen after. Probably attention seeking, but then again, I don't give a fuck right now.

    Feel free to hate. Feel free to throw stones at my face and call names<3

    Just throw advice at me on how to deal with terrible parents. <3

    8luh 8luh wwoot.

  2.  I have no idea. Good luck 
  3. We can make it look like an accident
  4. I know some good ways XD :twisted:
  5. Wait... Just a reminder, I'm not trying to plan a plot to murder him or whatever, lmao. Let nature take its own damn course.

    I just want to ignore my dad for the rest of my life and not hide in fear of him being a bitch and ruining my future. Lol.
  6. I am a hater.

    This thread is ridiculous.
  7. Cool, cool.
  8. What I mean is (if you are actually serious) nobody knows anything about the situation. ~(~) Can't really expect advice.
  9. Hah, I guess. I'll wake up in the morning and tell if I feel up to it. Mom came back and told me the full story. Rofl, never knew a child could harbor this much hate for a parent.
  10. I've got an idea:

    Why don't you......

    •Move out
    •Get a job
    •Pay your own bills
    •Buy your own food
    •Pay for your own clothes
    •Become self supported

    And Viola! You'll never have to worry about that grumpy old dad EVER again!!


    You could just move to a 3rd world country and.....

    •Be homeless
    •Have NO Internet (no pimd)
    •Have no cell phone
    •Have no water for bathing and go stink

    Or..... Option 3.....

    Realize how good you ACTUALLY have it and be thankful you're not option 2. (or option 1 for that matter)

    Cause if it's really THAT bad, you can always leave. Just sayin'.
  11. Actually, she can't leave, she is a minor. So your argument is invalid.
  12. See, that's the advice you get when you don't explain the situation. 
  13.  love love love love your comment Dan. 
  14. Isn't Mexico considered a third world country? If so, I had a job. Paid bills. Had internet, got fatter from all the food, etc.
  15. if she's a minor and cant leave. go to option no 3. or run away and hide in your dog house..  just saying..
  16. Dumbest post of day goes to... Potato! Congrats.
  17. She can't leave? Says who? She's got two legs that work, right?

    By that logic (of her being a minor so she can't leave) then I guess the millions of homeless runaway minors in the world are all invalid homeless people then?

    Damn, somebody should tell them that they can't leave!!
  18. Chloe you know you can always message me if you have a problem

    As for this.. Hard to relate, i never had this problem. But my advice really is just tell him what you feel, and maybe he'll back away. One shot. If he doesnt listen, then just stay away from him. You can always go to a friend house thats willing to let you stay.. Right o.o?

    If you need me just pm me 