I'm just the shy invisible girl....

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Kiaramarie (01), Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Bump, too tired to update today :(
  2. Oh no this was on the 4th page 
  3. I look around the classroom quickly for a seat in the back, and spot two seats in the back. 'Yes' I thought happily. I take one of the seats next to the window. I look around the class again, looking at the people in my class. I don't see Mason. 'I guess he's not in all of my classes' I thought. At that exact moment, Mason walks through the door. 'Never mind' He spots me and takes the seat next to me.

    "Hi." he says grinning.

    "Hi." I reply, smiling. The late bell rings and the teacher closes the door.

    "Ok class no more talking please." the teacher says. She waits for everyone to quiet down before handing out papers and stuff. She gives us a break down of what we'll going over in class throughout the entire year. This Spanish class was different. She wanted us to speak to her in Spanish, like if we had to ask her a question or tell her something. I didn't like speaking Spanish because I feel like I sounded retarded. Just because I'm Puerto Rican, doesn't mean I sound like it when I speak Spanish.

    My parents used to talk to us in Spanish when we were little, but then they stopped. Now all we mostly speak is English. My parents rarely ever spoke to us in Spanish anymore. Only if someone was hanging out at my house and my parents wanted to tell me something without that person understanding.

    The teacher passes out a sheet of paper with the list of school supplies on it and suddenly the fire alarm goes off. Half of the people in my class have mini heart attacks and look scared. Red lights flash, and the irritating sound of the alarm rings in my ears. The teacher tells us the way to exit the building and we file out of the class in an orderly fashion. Once we step into the halls, the alarm is even louder. Everyone covers their ears and we walk outside and far away from the building.

    Mason stands next to me the entire time and we talk.

    "What class do you have 6th period?" he asks me. I don't have my schedule with me but I remember.

    "um, I think i have Honors English 3." I reply quietly. He looks surprised.

    "Really? Me too!" he replied excitedly. "Wow we have EVERY class together! We're gonna be best buddies!" He puts an arm on my shoulder. He looked super excited. I suddenly had butterflies in my stomach. I wasn't used to a boy being that close to me and touching me. It made me nervous.

    "Uh huh." I reply nervously. 'He already wants to be friends with me? But he doesn't even know me..' I thought as the bells rang to let us know to go back into the school.
  4. I would really appreciate it if you guys would give me feed back: comments, tips, ideas, anything other than bump or update please. It would help out a lot.....thanks :)
  5. I think you need a problem to enter right about now she has the friend/love interest now she needs the mean girl or major event to happen to test the bond you've created, maybe something at home.

    Hope I helped
  6. Yes that helps a lot! Thank you so much! 
  7. Np can u help me with my story? It's called the want for you
  8. I love it so far!! Maybe you could add a twist in it somehow? Maybe a new guy on the scene or a tragedy or a mean girl??
  9. maybe you could try doing Mason's POV to see what he's thinking
  10. Wow you guys just gave me great ideas! I'm working on an update right now!! Love you guys 
  11. Love you to... And I'm sure that goes for all if us haha
  12.  you and this story too!!
  13. Haha you guys are awesome! 
  14. I'm gonna try Mason's POV. Let me know what you guys think 

    Mason's POV:

    Jazmine. That's the only thing that's been on my mind since the first time
    I met her. She was shy, she was cute, and she had her own unique style. Her long,(and I mean LONG) dark brown hair fell in thick curtains down her back, and her brown eyes were like the color of almonds. She wasn't exactly skinny, but she wasn't fat or chubby either, just a little thicker than most of the skinny twigs that go to this school. She was a the perfect height too. Not too short, not too tall either. I'm telling you, she was perfect. She was so different from everyone here at this school, and I really liked that about her. Her smile was gorgeous with her perfectly straight teeth. 'I wonder if they were naturally like that or if she had braces' I thought. I tried to picture her with braces and she still looked beautiful. Not a lot of people can pull off wearing braces but to me she could.

    Do you believe in love at first sight? I didn't at first. But when I first saw her in gym class, I definitely fell in love. Head over heals, actually. I'm surprised I've been able to keep my cool whenever I talk to her. I was never good at talking to girls. I always made a fool of myself. But not with Jazmine. Talking to her was easy. For some reason, I felt comfortable around her and not like my usually shy self.

    I sat there in Spanish class daydreaming about me and Jazmine together, holding hands, cuddling up with each other on the couch on a rainy day watching movies, her head resting on my shoulder....

    "Mason snap out of it!" Jazmine whispered to me.

    "Huh?" I asked, snapping out of my little daydream. I looked and the entire class was looking at me.

    "The teacher asked you to introduce yourself in Spanish." she whispered.

    "Oh, right. Um hola, mi nombre es Mason." I said quietly. I didn't like to be stared at. It made me nervous. I sort of zoned out after that, still daydreaming. Once in a while I would stop daydreaming, just to look over at Jazmine. She was staring at the teacher with a concentrated look on her face. She was so focused and zoned in on the teacher that she didn't notice me looking at her, taking in every little detail of her face. The cutest thing about her besides her smile, was the beauty mark that was on her left cheek. It wasn't like smack dab in the middle of her cheek, but more like under her eye. You know how when you smile how like the tops of your cheeks kinda bunch up together, making like little hills? Well her beauty mark was right at top of the little hill on her left cheek. I thought it was so cute, and so unique. I've never seen anyone have a beauty mark there before.

    I continued my daydreaming again until the next bell rang for English. I grabbed my things, and put them in my backpack. 'I should walk with he'd to class, since we have it together' I thought to myself. But when I looked up, she was gone. 'Or not >.<' i thought as I walked out of the room by myself.
  15. So what'd you guys think? Feedback please!!
  16. Adorable! This is so perfect! The POV is amazing!
    Bump bump bump
    Keep it up darling 
  17. Bump for both stories. I absoloutly loved them. You should keep going and make another chapter to the story about the girl moving to florida. It was so interesting
  18. Hmmmm......that's a great idea!!! thank you guys for supporting me!! I promise the next update will be even better!