Ok, I have been getting some very hurtful wall messages lately just because I was warning people about giving out or asking for other people for their personal info is dangerous. I have been told to "shut to **** up", "you are dumb","retard", "shut up, noob" and even worse someone told me to go kill myself. I am already a depressed and suicidal person and all those things plus more made it even worse. So, you want to give out your personal info to someone who says they are a girl or boy? Fine! Do it!! Because I don't f****** care anymore!!! I have tried to be a nice person and warn people that it's not safe to tell people about your personal stuff but if you want to be rude about it, I'm not going to say anything anymore. Don't come crying to me if the person is actually a pervert
That you're so easily affected by the words of others should indicate that you shouldn't be doing this. You're intentionally putting yourself in harm's way, so to speak. Nice attempt, but as they say, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Agreed with Royale. But don't give up. Words over a game is pointless. They shouldn't be able to bother you in ant way as long as you don't let them. so... Don't let them
I agree with with royal but think of it this way as well.. Maybe these ppl get bullied on in real life so when they get on here they take there anger out n bully others on a game since they cant in real life bc sumone is bulling them. Just do what you think is right . Dnt let people on a game get to you.
When your belief of what is right conflicts with the will of another person, It comes down to whose will is stronger as to who will win. If you can't handle insults, you aren't in a position to try to persuade others that what they're doing is wrong. You won't change many people's ideals, so you're ultimately just causing yourself trouble. Sorry to say it, but it's the truth.
I'm sick and tired of people on a app telling people they are suicidal or have attempted suicide how the hell do we as a community of players prove you are not talking bologna it's something that shouldn't be mentioned in a game and as someone said earlier if you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen also I'd like to mention that people have been affected by suicide and it's offensive to them to talk about it I'm sure
This games involves conflict.... It has a thing called A battle list... if you don't know by now but if someones hit. It's never a nice love tap! It's a big problem! Causing words and ferocious screen pressing of both side! I suggest stop what you doing and be nice, don't create conflict! Or get off the game...
The only thing that I can see being hurtful is being told to kill yourself. The other stuff is pathetic. If your psyche really can't handle someone telling you that you are stupid, you should probably just live in a bubble. Do you think that you are stupid? No? Then why are you letting that affect you? If you do think you are stupid, then you seriously need to do some work on yourself until you can love yourself and build up a thick skin.
You guys are right I really shouldn't let ppls insults get to me(but it still brings back some childhood trauma but that's a diff story).
Stop feeling bad for yourself it will only make things worse.however,expressing your feelings is good do not do it publicly.Such as you saying "i am already suicidal on top of all this makes it worse".so plz by complaining about such things you will get teased.
If you gunna tell a perv to stop giving out personal info of themself why should you care or get offended by them when they only uses pointless words like those? Those who doesnt know you cant say a damn about you that can hurt you enough....