Happy Penguin Day!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hermes-IN-DaClouds, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. My days on Club Penguin....man those were THE days. Good times, good times. 
  2. Yeas!

    Who all loves penguins!!!!
  3. Damn you hermes. This is just a pile of shit. 
  4. yet you are still here! 
    The curiosity overwhelmed you enough that you felt the strong desire to see what penguin day is all about.

    \(^_^)/ The power of the penguin \(^_^)/
  5. Good job candy!
    Kandy has the penguin day spirit! 
  6. [​IMG]
    Pirate penguins approve
    YO HO HO and a bottle o' rum for everyone.
  7. sparrow... i can't fly u know that.. i belieeve i can fly, i believe i can touch the sky...
  8. That rhymes.
  9. 
    yay waddle waddle and roll
    I won't eat you candy or at least.. While im waddling with you
  10.  Where is everybody's Penguin Day Spirit!!
  11. penguin day is the best waddle waddle roll waddle waddle roll. Lets all be happy and enjoy penguin day
  12. PENGUINS R MY FAVE ANIMALS 
  13. The horrible emomunster took a bite of me  I don't feel the penguin spirit now
  14.  candyfloss i sorry . Waddle waddle. Lets hug
  15.  hug hug

    now I feel some penguin spirit! Let's waddle
  16. Yaywaddle waddle  
  17. \(^_^)/ penguin day brings the spirit of forgiveness to everyone!

    I mean! How can you not forgive someone when you see this face? 

  18. i love that face
  19. im crien happy tears its so cute