My point exactly... I said you guys... Plural... Since it was more than 2 in no way I included you... But you did a great job including yourself
Hermes i love ur thread. I thought we all go into our games to get away from the drama . I meen its bad enough all of us go through it in real life
Seriously guys... There's been enough fighting for one day... Kitteh did nothing but make a thread like she always did even before you guys were here... You tried to troll and failed miserably... Don't start with the people only come to Pimd to fight thing because that's what you guys came here to do... Problem is that you failed and now try to make it look not so bad... So just drop it... And like I said... Respect the veterans... Kitteh has been here longer than you guys even knew about forums...
Penguins. no one was trying to troll... Although .. if I can seem like I'm trolling whilst not trolling maybe I shall be an awesome troller.