One Wish

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lllllIlllllIllllllIllllIlllllI, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. If you had one wish what would you want. I'll try to read all of your answers. I know that a smart answer would be unlimited wishes so please don't write that. Please be honest and hope this thread is successful.

    [Red/]I wish I knew everything[/Color]
     Hope that isn't a fail 
  2. To have another wish  then I'd wish for a bank account in my name that has so much money I'll never run out until the world ends... That, or world peace :3
  3. I wish for a true crazy adventure with lots of horror (hopefully paranormal but hey I really wouldn't complain if it wasn't) One that makes me
  4. I would ask for unlimited genies. OWEH SHNAPP
  5. I wish you would reset
  6. I wish for unlimited noodles.
  7. Well obviously you wish wouldn't come true cuz you just told everyone lah
  8. I'd wish for two more wishes, then I'd wish for Ryan the new turd to be human again and my last wish would be to end child hunger around the world. 
  9. I'd wish for either:

    World peace
    These ****** Pervs to get off of our app!
  10. True dat, on both.
  11. I wish to be immortal or money to help people out who don't have home and don't have enough food to eat and are starving
  12. I wish I could grow up and stop talking behind people's backs
  13. I wish I had fairly odd parents for lifeas many wishes as I want now
    xD!!!!!!hahahaha lol
  14. 1 wish, I'd wish for a additional 2 wishes.

    1 would be to end the pointless hate and anger in the world

    2 for my loved ones to be healthy and and well taken care of
  15. Unlimited wishes

    After I get my unlimited wishes

    I will wish for whatever I need/ want

    After I wish for those, I will wish for world hunger and stuff like that to end.

    After that, I hope war ends and everyone lives in peace 
  16. Immortal is a stupid wish.
    Really though, when everyone's dies and your the only one on the planet then what are you gonna say. Your gonna get lonely then crawl into a whole and shift into chronic depression. 
  17. Then turn into a piece of turd.
  18. I wish that there will be no more bb fails.

    I wish peace to the world
  19. I wish for a portal to a place with 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    ICE CREAM mountains
  20. 1. I'd wish for 2 more wishes

    2. I'd wish I had the ability to wish for unlimited wishes.

    3. I'd wish for unlimited wishes.