If you had one wish what would you want. I'll try to read all of your answers. I know that a smart answer would be unlimited wishes so please don't write that. Please be honest and hope this thread is successful. [Red/]I wish I knew everything[/Color] Hope that isn't a fail
To have another wish then I'd wish for a bank account in my name that has so much money I'll never run out until the world ends... That, or world peace :3
I wish for a true crazy adventure with lots of horror (hopefully paranormal but hey I really wouldn't complain if it wasn't) One that makes me
I'd wish for two more wishes, then I'd wish for Ryan the new turd to be human again and my last wish would be to end child hunger around the world.
I wish to be immortal or money to help people out who don't have home and don't have enough food to eat and are starving
1 wish, I'd wish for a additional 2 wishes. 1 would be to end the pointless hate and anger in the world 2 for my loved ones to be healthy and and well taken care of
Unlimited wishes After I get my unlimited wishes I will wish for whatever I need/ want After I wish for those, I will wish for world hunger and stuff like that to end. After that, I hope war ends and everyone lives in peace
Immortal is a stupid wish. Really though, when everyone's dies and your the only one on the planet then what are you gonna say. Your gonna get lonely then crawl into a whole and shift into chronic depression.
I wish for a portal to a place with 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ICE CREAM mountains
1. I'd wish for 2 more wishes 2. I'd wish I had the ability to wish for unlimited wishes. 3. I'd wish for unlimited wishes.