The Top 34 Forumers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SVG-TheFaLLenFenrir-, Sep 4, 2012.

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  1. I use 
    Cause my club chat spams this.

  2. I agree, pimd admin does have quite a way with words... :3
  3. It's ok. Me and Pooh are working on a Top 50 Noobs list now. We seriously are. 
  4.  noobs list, noobs list, noobs list
  5. Aw. 16 is mi favorite number. Sweet.
  6. You missed yourself Sasuke!
  7. Again this list means nothing...
  8. Garrett, I just wanted to let everyone know what I think of them. .-.

    Haters gonna Hate
  9. GareDog, really? Don't you think bashing one list is enough?
  10. I believe he is secretly hurting inside since he was not mentioned in a list.
    Ah, how petty of him. .-.
  11. Woot woot number 5 
  12. Always the bridesmaid never the bride...
  13. WiNDo,
    You suck.
    Quiet 

    They never go down well 
  14. grumble grumble this is outrageous grumble grumble blah blah
  15. A common phase that forums go through periodically. People come out with lists and rankings and all sorts of goodies like that. It'll soon pass.
  16. Noob list? You sure? Ok.
  17. If you do another please don't include me in it 
    Why compare different styles of foruming.
  18. I'm making a top 50 idiots list  il be number one!!
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