What's Funniest Moment In Ur Life Was There Every A Time When U Had A Funny Moment in ur Life Well This is a good way of sharing it!! I know one time when I went to P.E. My coach asked "Is Alexis Here Today"and we said"No"then coach said"Is she in band"and then I said "no she's a girl"he said "oh I know that"and then I said"oh I thought u said she's a man"And everyone started laugh like hell U Get The Idea!Have A Good Time Laughing Guys!!
This one time I farted at school and i guess it smelled and this kid next to me took the blame cuz we farted at the same time on accident but his was way louder. sucka
I fell down the steps opening a sprite... I fell into a shoe rack and it fell ontop of me while my entire family was laughing at me -.-
I was in the computer lab one day laughing at some random thing with my friend and the teacher called me up to the front of the class. She said "so... You really like to laugh? Here, laugh for the class." so I started my ha has from deep, barytone to tenor to alto to soprano... I had a friend who had the surname 'mahalingam' so I went "this one's for you." then I went on to go "maha ha ha maha ha ha" and the whole class was laughing. It was awkward at first but I think... The maha stint helped me not look so idiotic. by the way, this isn't the funniest. I don't quite remember what it was...