Perpetual Bliss (One-Shot)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Royale30, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. I fear degeneracy. Stagnation, even. It is impossible to imagine a feeling worse than the chilling, callused fingers of despair reaching up through you from the pit of your stomach. As it clenches your heart and crushes it slowly, you realize that the person you've always wanted to become is forever out of reach. Forever a dream, forever someone you could not become. The world around me, a constant reminder of my aspirations I could not make a reality, leaves little reason to continue living my life.

    The sting of failure shoots through my veins. Warming me, numbing me, saving me from everlasting sorrow. It opens my eyes to a new world, a world where rules and expectations do not exist. A world where I am content, a world where improvement is no longer a factor in my happiness. My flaws disintegrate and my fears melt away while I float in ecstasy across a never-ending sea of forgotten cares and responsibilities until I finally sink.

    As I drown reality slaps me in the face- a sharp reminder that life is never easy, escape comes at a price, and a world where you are not destined to failure only exists in dreams. I am rewarded for my nonsensical mistakes by the return of my utopia as I deliver another dose of failure into my bloodstream, continuing my constant cycle of self-destruction and sweet, sweet euphoria.

    My fear drives me to do what I would never do before. All traces of sensibility forcibly erased from my mind by the world's pressure to be all that I can be... No. To be more than I can be, and yet again strive to become more than that. An escape from a world where I am doomed to a degenerate outcome is what I require.

    That degeneracy is what pushes me to my own failure. My fear gives me the strength to do what I must in order to preserve my sanity; it delivers me to the doorstep of my failure. The failure that resides within a single syringe, the failure that brings me salvation.


    Just something short I wrote at 3 AM a couple nights ago.

    Thanks to Jess, for assistance with grammar (*sigh*). Lol.

    Thanks to Qin, for, well, helping me in many ways that I couldn't begin to describe or list.

    Hope you all enjoyed it! Please tell me how you interpret this story, as I had a particular idea in my head while I wrote it and I'm curious to see how other people understood this. :)
  2. I thought it was beautiful and I am
    wondering if this is how u feel or how someone close to
    u feels.
    The wording was magnificent luved it
  3. Mmm, not particularly, no. I had a certain someone in mind while writing It, but it's just an idea that came into my head and I went with it. :)
  4. Well that's the best kind of writing just going with an idea and turning it into something meaningful to u and maybe to others
  5. Bumping my post to the top because I'm a selfish ass. :$
  6. It's fine. And good job, I seriously would like this one to continue. I haven't been writing much at all....but another masterpiece Royale...very nice.
  7. This is very good, Royale.
  8. Royale, this is amazing. I love it
  9.  Your writing is...magnificent, beautiful, your vocab is...unstoppable.
  10. Im in luv with ur words they're so
    wonderfully written
  11. Thanks!
  12. Alpha. As. Fuck.
  13. Srry if ur annoyed with me writing on here, I like to compliment ppl a lot
  14. Lol it's fine. Compliments are nice, and I appreciate that people read and enjoy my writing. It's always a nice bit of added motivation to continue writing. :)
  15. Yay lol I'm now a motivator jk all readers r
    like u said writers would just be crazy ppl
    with out them
  16. Hehe. I enjoy writing regardless of whether I have 0 readers or many. But knowing that people enjoy my work does make me want to post more.
  17. Yea I luv to write and make ppl feel things
    it makes me feel like I'm giving something
    important to someone's life even though it may be only one person
  18. Your words are so...speechless, do you write books?
  19. Nope :). I've posted a few short stories or other one shots on here, but never attempted a novel.