Oh where'd all you wonderful readers come from? I'm so glad y'all are reading When I got home that afternoon, I was exhausted. All of the energy from this morning drained out of my body, making me feel like a zombie. I slowly walked to the kitchen and dropped my backpack, the contents spilling everywhere on the counter. I went to the fridge and opened it, trying to find that last piece of birthday cake from my cousin's sixteenth birthday party two days ago. "Here you are." I murmured as I carefully maneuvered the plate with the slice of cake around the other items in the fridge. I took the plate and set it down on the kitchen table, closing the door of the fridge with my foot. My hand located a fork on the table and I stuck it deep into the cake, the fork sliding smoothly into the spongey texture of the cake. I brought the piece of cake up to my mouth, and stopped suddenly. No, i thought. I need to stop eating all this junk. My obsession with junk food has to come to an end. I grabbed the plate and slid the cake into the trashcan, second thoughts quickly dissapearing from my mind. I climbed the stairs to my room and stood in front of my full length mirror. I look like a sack of mash potatoes, I thought to myself. My belly hung out from the rim of my jeans slightly, creating a muffin top. That's when I made up my mind. I'm going to lose all this. No matter how hard I beg or how desperate I'll become, I will never touch junk food ever again. I quickly ran downstairs and opened up all the cabinets and drawers that were hiding potato chips, candy, cookies, and other goodies I've stashed in there. I gathered everything into my arms and dumped them in the trashcan, not feeling any regret for wasting all that delicious junk. Tired, I run up to my bedroom and changed into my pajamas. I should take a nap before everyone comes home, I thought. I glanced at my clock and noticed it was 3:45. It's already een an hour since I got home. Time sure passed by fast, I thought while climbing into my comfortably soft bed. I pulled the blankets up to my chin and closed my eyes, hearing nothing but silence in the room.
This is to make up from not updating for a whole week last week c: enjoy! "Tammy! Wake up you'll be late for school!". I quickly opened my eyes and turned my head to look a the clock, squinting as the burst of light from my window shined into my eyes. 7:30 A.M. Oh, **** me, I thought, throwing the covers to the side, hastily going through my closet, trying to find a decent outfit to wear. I yanked a random shirt over my head and dug through the mess of clothes on the floor, trying to find a pair of shorts. "Tammy! Hurry I have to go to work! Dress light it's going to be hot today!". My dad shouted from downstairs. "I'm almost done! Hold your horses!". I shouted back, finding a pair of black shorts and stepping into them. I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair, glancing at the clock on the wall. 7:40. School starts at 8:10, and it takes at least 10-15 minutes to drive to school. I'll make it, I thought, spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing my mouth. Smoothing my hands over my faux bob haircut, I walked downstairs and greeted my dad. "Good morning!". He glanced at me, biting into his bacon and pointed to the pan on the stove. "I made you bacon and eggs." I walked to it and peered inside the pan, noticing a bunch of oil and grease under the food. I lifted my hand to pick a bacon out, but I stopped, thinking about what I planned on doing about my weight. "You can eat it dad, I'm not that hungry." I said, walking to the fridge and opening it, grabbing a small apple. "Sweeeeeeet!". My dad got up and took the pan, picking out the bacon and scrambled eggs onto his plate. "Go wait in the car honey, I'll be quick." He said as he sstuffed bacon into his mouth. I grabbed my backpack from the counter where I left it yesterday and went into my dad's Toyota. The day went by fairly quickly. The mix of boring classes and girls making fun of me drained away my energy, as usual. When I got home, I threw a tank top and shorts on, thinking about what to do for the rest of the day. Then, it hit me. If I want to lose all this fat, I need to exercise. Grabbing my tennis shoes, I took a bottle of water and my iPod and went outside. I slipped into the shoes and stuck the headphones into my ears, a blast of guitar and screaming startling me. Lowering the volume, I slipped the iPod into my pocket and started jogging down the street. I jogged as the sun beats down on me, it's bright rays hitting my bare skin, making it red. My fair skin tanned easily, and since I didn't put any sun block on, I'm expecting a tan when I'm done exercising. Sweat poured out from my body as I jogged down a hill. The slope was very steep, so I ran faster, trying not to stumble. I ran across to the other side, dubstep filling my ears. My mistake was not looking both ways. The music was so loud, that I didn't even hear the roar of the engine as the truck sped up to me, the driver having no time to step on his breaks. I felt the heat radiating from the car as I darted across the street, my legs aching from running so fast. As I turned to look at what was creating the heat, the giant truck was only a foot away from me, the driver's eyes widening as he sees me. But it was too late. Everything passed in slow motion as my eyes widened, and suddenly, I'm flying in the air. My body is numb as it lands on the hard concrete of the road. I heard a total of three snaps as I crashed onto the floor, pain radiating from my whole body. All this happened in less than a minute. It went by so fast, that my mind couldn't register what was happening to me. I could feel blood trickling down from the back of my head where it impacted with the ground, my leg was bent in an irregular angle from the impact with the car, and my arm was also in an irregular angle. I struggled to breathe as I looked up to the sky, the sun slowly setting in the horizon. The last thing I saw was the driver bending down towards me, his lips moving as he tries to keep me awake. My eyelids slowly close as I lose consciousness, the last thing I see was the driver on his cellphone, screaming for the paramedics.
Maxx: I'm sorry to hear that. No one deserves to be treated like that. Sweet gesus all this fighting going down in FF.