Stranded Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -SexyStrawberry, Sep 1, 2012.

  1.  soo.. I haven't done a game in a while so here it goes.
    This game is pretty simple, nothing hard DO. NOT.BE.ALARMED.

    So basically what you do is post 3 things that you would have if you were stranded on an island. Easy? Right?  so I'm glad you weren't alarmed.

     so heres 3 random things that would be an example

    -Curling Iron
    -Unlimited fridge

     there's my random three, you're turn!

  2.  Y U TASTIE BEANS?!? 
  3. 1) machine to convert salt water to fresh water.
    2) box full of different tools( includes screws and nails)
    3) solar panel
  4. Track
    Nike Outlet
    Brooke Running shoes

    That's paradise to me
  5.  gonzo is practical. nice
  6. 1) Unlimited food and water
    2) Phone
    3) A comfy home 
  7. Umm maybe
    1) an airplane or a boat
    2) fuel
    3) a pilot

  8. Love
    Everything 
  9. 1-Pocket knife
    2-satellite phone
  10. 1.Bed

    SLEEEP.Screw the rest
  11. 1. A bath tub full of water
    2. A plugged toaster
    3. A suicide note.
  12. 1.) everything I would want
    2.) everything I would need
    3.) WIFI 
  13. phone,family and my dogs
    unlimited good cooked food
    my whole bed set (pillows blankets bed everything)
  14. 1.Jetpack
    2.Jetpack fuel
    3.Chocolate bar
  15. 1: Food and water
    2: Pistol
    3: boat
  16. 1. A bunch ofCareBears
    2. Santa
    2. Cookies
  17. I would bring 1.EVERYONE!
    2.Party house
    3.Food for the party
  18. 1) Everyone in the world apart from the bad and annoying people
    2) Wifi and electronics
    3) Genie with unlimited wishes