I am SlenderMan

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -N_G-TheSlenderman, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. No pick me i can hunt  I don't mind the night either 
  2. No, he's not domesticated like me.
    He'll urinate on the rug.
  3. Shut the fùck up Bìtch boy
  4. Normal, he's occupied to work on his main.
  5. Yup, he told me on tutor chat.
  6. You ride around on a mammoth? 
  7. I ride the Nyan Cat
  8.  SlenderMatt
  9. Please that's a "house pet" thing rugs make nice beds
  10. Slenderman's not scary. .-.

    Honestly don't know why everybody pisses their pants when they see him and shit. Dx
  11. Fine I don't wanna be in it I played the whole game juss like PewDiePie and his girlfriend