World of Magic Role-play

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Salrion (01), Aug 27, 2012.

  1. *Shakes head, and pulls you up* Come. We need to get you to a bed... I went to far. I never gone that far before.. *Looks away angry with myself*
  2. -I lean on her, barely able to stand-

    "I'm okay...It's not your fault..."
  3. *Helps you to my cabin, and I walk to the bed with you carefully laying you down* Rest.
  4. -I try and sit up-

  5. *Pushes you down* Please..
  6. -I relax into the bed nodding-

  7. Name: Kane Anderson
    Age: 18
    Race: reincarnation of Death
    Personality: Dark and quiet, stays in the shadows.
    Looks: Disguise: 6'0 all black clothing and shades usually with a hood
    Reaper form: 10'0 long black hooded cloak made of souls wings of bone and a skeleton for a body
    Weapons: A 6 foot scythe or his collection of amulets varying in their powers
  8. *Stands up knowing I messed this up big time* Need anything..?
  9. (accepted)

    -I smile-

    "Just you..."
  10. *Smiles back, and lays down with you, knowing I'm safe* I...love you Sal..
  11. -Wraps my arms around her, cuddling to her-

    "I love you too... Goodnight my love..."

    -I smile slowly closing my eyes to sleep-
  12. Night my wonderful, love.. *Closes eyes falling into a deep sleep*
  13. Kane: -slowly glides across the Dirt streets of a kingdom- I sense a terrible death
  14. Kane: -sees a fire start in a home and watches it burn to the ground then sees the souls of the dead drift toward me- You are safe now
  15. Lailah: -wanders away from Ben and Splendy, following the smell of smoke-
  16. Kane: -drifts away from the fire turning back into a human-
  17. Lailah: -sees someone and yips loudly-
  18. Kane: -hears someone and starts running away- i have to get out of here or someone one will see
  19. Lailah: -twitches and tracks the stranger, running up behind him silently-
  20. ( im goin to sleep so tired peace)