Dear Jose.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *FarmingJose (01), Aug 28, 2012.

  1. All you need to do is change your IP
  2. Thanks for your concern
  4. Jose is lame and all his followers are ignorant
  5. Jose for president  let the new age of pimd begin haha
  6. Trolling has become legal
  7. Jose we need you brother lead the pimd revolution. Jose
  8. ^ .-.

    Someone do something about him.
  9. Sorry I find it funny the chaos he brings to pimd.
  10. Worst idea I've ever heard

    Jose can't start a revolution, what would it be about! Making male parts out of wall art, making hundreds of ToU breaking names, or just getting banned?

    Jose will be banned once the devs figure out how he is making so many accounts, he can't own 20 iDevices.

    Do by supporting a revolution, led by a spammer who will be soon banned, shows how uneducated some forumers are.
  11. Nick, remember your BFFFFF Drew, the one who you made threads about praising him? Then you through him in the dirt once everyone hated him. You will be dong this with Jose, since Jose is similar to Drew.
  12. Isn't starting a revolution also considered starting a riot or something?
  13. Lol Its just I'm not the one dealing with his 20 accounts and i find it funny because nobody can't do anything against it....
  14. Double negative, so yup that we can.
  15. Kingcal , I'm already banned.....


  16. Now don't hate on my bypassing skills 
  17. Nice Jose  lol
  18. How i just find It funny he keeps getting onto pimd when he is banned. It's like why bother trying to stop it haha.