
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Eliza02 (01), Nov 9, 2011.

  1. MYGOSH-



  2. I FLIPING LOVE THIS STORY!!! I started readin this story and I thought it was going to end up as the other stories, but I guess I was wrong I was so captivated by it . Every time I saw Rick and chel tougher I my heart beat a lil faster. I mean I wish I could be in this story . It's so amazing . No words can describe how it made me feel. Chills down my spin I hate yet love all the suspense  I love it so much. I hate that evil ken  how dare he do that to chel !! Grrr it made me so mad  . But I still think he should be included in the story . Even though he's a BUTTY .And when I thought she was gana die I almost cried  you're a great writer keep it up.
  4. I took a leave from FF for apparent reasons,
    But my friend had told me to read your story
    And so I agreed. LOVE. IT. I stopped ALL
    My college work just to read your story! It
    Took me about 32 hours just to finish!

    You're story knows how to keep everyone
    On their toes for more! I love that about
    Authors! Every tragedy you throw in front
    Of them, somehow, you know how to cure
    It all and have some type of reason to blend
    It with!

    I don't mind your grammatical errors because
    They're so hard to catch, but I still notice them.
    The way you blend the emotions with the story
    Makes this EVEN BETTER. It's like the feelings
    Are so vivid, I feel as if I was the one feeling
    What the characters were feeling!

    Félicitations! Congratulazioni!

    Oh and Bump~! 
  5. OMG! I can't believe I just read this whole story... even though it took me probably 3 hours! (dont forget a couple of breaks here and there) I started your story this morning and to be honest i read the first sentence then stopped reading!(because my dogs needed to go outside! damn dogs!)... anyway. I got back to your story umm about three hours ago and couldn't stop! I just kept thinking god i hope theres not a fire or something!... but i kept reading and reading and it was soo good!i think i kinda fell in love!(with the story) well i really enjoyed the way you made it soo interesting i really thought that the charectors were alive!. haha i really enjoyed all the twist and turns! I really do enjoy a good love story! and this was one!(ummm kinda!) I looked down at the first page and the next thing i know im on page 184! haha in fanfics i always end up getting kinda confused! (sorry im blonde!) but you really made things easy and understandable! when i kept on reading the further i got the sadder i became! dam!( and yes beaver dam! no silence for me!) I was like no...noo... nooo... noooo..nooooo!!! everytime i read a page becase i couldnt stop and the lesd i could read of your great story! I was thinking! NOO! now i have to wait like everyone else for the next update! haha selfish i know!... anyway! i truely and honestly really really really! am enjoying your story! and i will be patient!(i will try!) anyway! i give your story! !! (and yes i do have three thumbs!umm awks!) anyway... i will end with!
    ... BUMP!!!
  6.  Thaaaank you! That was very heart-warming. 
  7. Yayyyyyyy!!! Eliza!!  Yayyyy!! You updated!! Yayyyyyyy!! I'm so happy!! Yayyyyyyyyyyy!! 
  8. Where's the update I might have a heart attack lol
  9. PLEEASSE UPDATE:'( I love this story
  10. Bump!! One of the best ff's in PIMD!!!!
  11.  This story has been featured in Fan Fiction News! Congrats! 
  12. BUMP! Just read the story from start to finish, it took me a few days but it was worth it, This is my favourite story of all time on FF so I just wanted to post and tell you that you should take as long as you want/need to update. Schoolwork is important - so that take priority. Once again, this is a fabulous story, so a huge congrats to you and anyone that might have helped you (inspirtaion or something like that).

    I  This Story.
  13. Thank you so much, guys!
    I really can't reach this far without your support! 
  14. I luv this story and I rly want to read more it is sooooooooo good!