
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrettyBritty, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. I dont understand why everyone is hating on him. He's nice :eek: so why do people hate him?? 
  2. -Facedesk- x5
  3. If he were nice, he wouldn't make 4 or 5 threads in one day about how much he hates a person. People get that he hates Hermes, but there is no need for a thread.

    Maybe he's nice to other people. I wouldn't know, I don't talk to him much.
  4. Ok  cause i talked to him earlier and he was nice.. So I was confused.. But thanks for telling me :)
  5. I agree H. We talked and I was like what the heck why do ppl hate you its ridiculous how ppl are judged so harshly now a days
  6. People have been judges harshly for hundreds of years ,_,
  7. London?...
  8. I love London like Jose loves pussy
  9. Fuck you 
  10. Uhhh...Londons a city?