
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Eliza02 (01), Nov 9, 2011.

  1.  i thought id never find this story again :mad: <3 loyal desperators

  2. I'll update next week. I promise. 
  3. Ohmy. It's been so long. 

    I'll update a little later. 
  4. Hey guys! So, I know it has been soooo long since I last updated. Like I've said, schoolworks hindered me from opening PiMD.

    Let's take a break from Rick, Chelsea and Nash's drama, and let us focus first on Regina's. Do you remember Regina? I hope you didn't forget her. 
  5. Regina was Chelsea's first rival. She appeared on the first 15 pages of Desperate. 
  6. Regina's point of view:

    I stared at myself at the mirror. It has been 7 months since I last put on some major make-up. Tempted, I opened my purse and brought out a black pencil eye-liner.

    "A little won't hurt..."

    Just before the tip of the pencil reached my eyelids, I unexpectedly shook and dropped the eye-liner. I knew it. I just couldn't do it anymore.

    I opened the girl's comfort room and exited from it. All of a sudden, a muscular arm grabbed my waist.

    "Hello, beautiful." a handsome smile greeted me.

    "Dale! Stop it!" I exclaimed as I blushed tremendously. We've been dating for 7 months now, but my heart still won't cease to beat every time I see him.

    "Guess what I have?" Dale smirked as he held his hand up, flashing two basketball tickets.

    My imminent smile turned into a frown.

    Dale's brow furrowed.
    "I thought you loved basketball, Babe?"

    "I do. But we always go to basketball games for our dates. Can't we do something different?" I asked.

    Dale looked away, feeling disappointed. I knew it. I need to give in this time... again.

    I sighed.
    "Well, okay. I want to see this game anyway." I weakly smiled as I grabbed one ticket from his hand.

    "Alright!" Dale beamed as he grabbed my waist again and lifted me up.

    Suddenly, our eyes met. We were 3 inches away from each other. Little by little our lips were nearing.

    "Umm," Dale abruptly spoke as he pushed my shoulders away, " I gotta go. See you tomorrow!"

    I remained unmoved. Here we go again. We have not even kissed for the past seven months! I, the frivolous Regina Walters, became a total virgin because of Dale. Why is this happening?

    Tomorrow's the day. I'll make sure that tomorrow will be the day I'll get my first kiss with Dale.

    -next day-

    Dale and I sat on the front part of the bastketball arena. We were both quiet the whole time. It must be because of the incident yesterday.

    "Want me to buy some hotdogs?" I asked, trying the break the silence.

    "S-sure." Dale replied without looking at me.

    I was somewhat irrirated by Dale's rude attitude, but I knew I had to be patient. I have to get my kiss today.

    I stood up and walked towards the hotdog stand.

    "Two please." I said as I handed out the money.

    "Hey, you alone?" a man beside me said.

    I turned around just to see a smoking hot gentleman smiling at me.

    "Uhh, no. I'm with my boyfriend today." I answered sharply. I should not flirt. I already threw out the old Regina away a long time ago.

    "That sucks," the man smiled which made my heart melt, " If you're with your boyfriend, why are you the one buying the hotdogs? Shouldn't he be the one?"

    Realizing this, I quickly made up an excuse.
    "He has... stomach problems. Really bad stomach problems. He can't just stand up and buy some hotdogs."

    The man laughed boisterously, which made me laugh too. Moments passed, and the two of us just talked in front of the hotdog stand. It was a splendid conversation. The kind of conversation I was yearning from Dale.

    All of a sudden, a hand grabbed my arm. I turned just to see Dale, angry as ever.

    "Oops. I can see that this is your boyfriend with stomach problems." the gentleman mocked.

    I was too scared to even speak a word because Dale was getting angrier by the minute.

    "I don't have any problems," Dale snapped, "You're the problem here. Stop flirting with my girlfriend!"

    Dale grabbed the nearby ketchup and SQUIRTED it on the man's face and outfit.

    Dale then walked away with him gripping my arm so tightly.

    "Stop! You're hurting my arm!" I yelped.

    Forcefully, Dale released my arm and turned to me.
    "Seriously, Regina? I just leave you for a minute and you're all around, FLIRTING with other boys?!"


    "I thought you threw away the old you?!" Dale snapped.

    Unknowingly, my hand flew up to the air and towards Dale's face.


    "You don't know me, Dale! I DID THROW AWAY MY PAST! I can't even apply make-up even if I want to. I can't join my friends in group dates because I have you! My life changed because of you!" I exclaimed.


    "And you know what's the worst thing about all of this, Dale?! I don't even know if you LOVE me! You're always avoid my eyes! You became eerily quiet! You don't even want to KISS me!" I screamed.

    Dale stared at me in shock.
    "I'm so so-sorry, Regina."

    "Don't mind about it." I hissed as I turned around.

    Dale grabbed my hand. When I turned around, he was bright red.
    "I have been dreaming every night of kissing your delicious lips. But I know I shouldn't. Because if I do, I might not be able to control myself and just force myself on you."

    Him saying that made me blush so hard. I didn't know. I didn't know that those were his thoughts all along.

    I looked at him in the eyes and said,
    "It's okay if you can't control yourself. I really love you, you know?"

    Dale smiled.
    "I love you too."

    Dale gently grabbed my waist. He stared at my lips while biting his. He, then, placed his big hand on my face. He looked me in the eyes and said,

    "I really love you, Regina."
    Then, his lips softly touched mine."
  7. AWEEEEEE
  8.  OH MY GOSH! Amazing update!  I'm stunned! Absolutely adorable and amazing! 

    You never fail to have a amazing update. 

    I missed you and your story <3 Glad you updated 
  9. Aaaaw. Thanks guys. 
  10.  I saw the notification "Eliza02 has posted a message on your wall"

  11. You havent lost ur groove Eliza
    That update was breathtaking
  13. I live this story!!, Eliza!!! Amazing job!. It's very, very interesting!! I love it so much!!!
  15. 