Zeppy and foot 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by caspertheghost, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. You boys need some love.

    Everyone who loves Zeppy and foot, come tell them on here.

    Zep, you're crazy and sexy  with the best abs on pimd.

    Foot, so are you but you don't like the queen so zep wins. And I've never seen your abs .

    Haters, don't bother posting here or I'll kick you on sight 
  2. I don't love them 
  3. I wonder what his abs look like
  4. Yes you do Yas  as much as you love me 

    Sasuke you worry me sometimes 
  5. I just want something to aim for, like a target, i'm not gay or anything 
  6. Lol. Zep has been sadly dressed in his dps lately  it's unlike him.
  7. Dps?

    Desk Punch Square?
  8. Display pictures lol.
  9. I love them!!! I love you too, casp sis 
  10. Who are they??? Lol
  11. Lots of Love to 2 of my fav hotties!!! I demand a bachelor party prior to any wedding war! Us ladies need one last farewell
  12. I love you too mindy 

    Bachelor party! Zep is the stripper 
  13. Zeppy hands down 
  14. Love you too kandy 
  15. I'm very easy to like 
  16. Yush
    But you bypassed