lphabet Story Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -SexyStrawberry, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. K. Wait, does he???? 
  2. Loveable animals, how could he hate animals???
  3. Miley Cyrus finally gave birth to her baby
    That day XD
  4. No way!! Really!! Lol
  5. Oops, the grandma was Miley Cyrus...
  6. Puh-leaze. Miley Cyrus is actually the father
  7. Quicny is that you 
  8. Runts come out and beat the ass out Miley Cyrus 
  9. Someone save Miley!! Lol
  10. Then beavers came and ate Miley's hair :p
  11. Unfortunately Liam breaks up with Miley
  12. Vampires come and suck Liam's blood for breaking up with Miley
  13. While all this is happening Flo Rida is in the corner watching his video of Whistle
  14. Zachary is cool but
  15. A random unicorn skips in.
  16. Before it catches on fire
  17. But it skipped in a walrus's mouth
  18. Unfortunately, instead of killing Miley.. they chopped her hair off
  19. Aww wth I was reading the wrong page 
  20. Dude your name is sexy 