I apoligize for my behavior and promise. Not to speak out at someone because they have a different opinion
I do agree with this. But please understand this is going nowhere if it stays here. Get it out in the world. I believe this can become something big if you chase after it
Thanks. This is meant to be posted on the walls of people who are mean and to walls with mean comments. This is just the raising awareness part of the movement
This will never do anything.....You can't stop cyber bullying! How can you?!! A few measly words will just be words...I don't really agree on anything that I think won't change anything....Sorry you can keep trying, but it won't change a thing!
All we can do is try to support this. Bullying is real the players here are real and it's time we spoke up. This means more than a normal meme. This is hope compassion and courage. That's what this flower means
meme? maybe you mean emoji. and sure, i'd love to see your so called "peace movement" or whatever it is grew to a big movement here which will never gonna happen i assume
I hope it becomes successful. I'll work hard to accomplish that and it can only be strong by people using it. Wall me if you have any questions
i dont know which one are you, insensitive or insensitively optimistic :| but oh well, best of luck
On I understand and respect your goal for stopping "harressment and bullying" I've read all the post up to mine. I do not disagree with what I'm going to call dream. However I have been come very confused and concerned over the comment made by trisha in regards to adults. That show a lot of I'm my interpretation arrogance , well maybe that's not even the right word. But your thoughts on adults need to show you respect before you get respect well well such a sad statement. As for the rest of the posts that have been made well there has been many useless post on here battling the theory and some defending it. What ever happens with your project good look. As it became confusing with the off topic thoughts.
I mean really. What are you going to do to stop cyberbullying? Better question, if you'd kill yourself over cyberbullying, get off the Internet.