I did grow up and said sorry your the one who needs to n chill. So as my last comment Fuck u all, go suck my balls n stfu the mods who silenced me fuck u m I hope u all die early n when I'm older I may come back n hack u all if I think it's worth it n if u laugh u r a sad sad child n deserves a good beating fuck u all n I promise even after deleting I will still be here my will see me all personally. Fuck u pimd for the help u did jack shit n I can only be nice for do long.
Uh, your court threat went out the window with that one, babe. You were obviously silenced. Anything you say here can and will be held against you in the court of law. You can have a lawyer, if you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you. I will defend my case. SUE ME, BABY
I won't sue hacking is more fun here is the code to hack ur act on pimd I worked on the last nite just in case Fuck shit dick fuck fuck fuck whore whore
Coding in this game involves brackets, bars, slashes, and various other multiple markings and punctuation, as well as letter number combinations to represent color, and functions. Not asterisks..
Bye bye on that thread post Oliver and for a law student I laugh until milk shoots from my nose, thank you for incriminating yourself if anything happens to our person accounts or information. You fail as a player and you fail at making threats good day and change your diaper to the player that threaten to hack accounts In terms you may understand better bye bye Love the thread CJS