Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-TS-Charms (01), Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. They only play this game because they think they are responsible for something when really they are just ata's bitches.

    Just sayin.
  2. Also to clarify its bîtches* 
  3. Awww are you butthurt because you were silenced?
  4. Omg ban alert
  5. Call us what you like. It's neither here nor there to us.

    You asked for a silenced and you got it. I assume you want a forum ban as well? I can arrange that for you
  6. Silence after he's Unsilenced.
    Then he post silenced thread again and get silenced perm.

    Then another perm silenced thread.

    Then he gets forum ban and perm silenced twice and rage quits.

    I got it all planned out for you.
  7. love it monster 
  8. as i said earlier "bïtches"
  9. j31 can you please leave my forum
  10. As you wish
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