Farming Fail 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sweets-More-Cake, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Kik I'll keep saying idgah
  2. Op needs to make a new thread titled Forum Fail :lol: :lol:
  3. Desii  I am sorry that you got dropped as a baby.
  4. Or title Caps rage fail. Or third party app fail. I could go on and on
  5.  what happened? Did op quit? Get silenced? Get phone back off a friend and say wasn't them?
  6. She quit posting, it was like Maaaaaaaggggggiiiiiiiiicccccckkkkkk
  7. Mmmmmaaaaaaagggggiiiiiiiiiccccc*
  8. Stfu I have a life too better than sitting on my iPod all day.
  9. Touchy little girl we have here aww think it's her nap time
  10. I was dropped on my head as a baby ... Glad I didn't turn out like OP
  11. ^ I got a dent in my head too  still not like OP