I rushed around the cabin trying to make sure everything is in place for when my dad gets here. I looked outside, but the snow was still there, I sighed. Even though I knew the snow wouldn't stop my dad from coming home, I was still worried. I went and loaded the fire with more wood, it was starting to get cold. I grabbed the pot with soup in it and put it on top of the fire, that way it'd be extra when dad comes. I waited a few more minutes, before looking outside again, but I couldn't see nothing because of the snow. After a hour, I started to get really worried, my father has never came home late before. He only went hunting. Something's wrong I thought as I ran my hand through my hair. What if they found him I thought. Then I ran to my room, reached under my bed and grabbed the little black box. I carried it and stood at the back of the cabin. Reaching inside I grabbed the all black clothes and put them on, I grabbed the survival backpack that was at the back door, and I laid the cellphone out in front of me and I waited. After a few more hours of waiting, the cellphone ringed. I jumped from the floor of where I was just sleeping and answered the phone. "Hello" I said holding my breathe. "Run" He said, and that was all I needed I took off running.
I grabbed the backdoor, but because of the snow the door was stuck. Suddenly they started shooting. Glass went everywhere. I kicked down the backdoor and took off running. I kept stumbling, the snow was still falling and it was pitch dark. I found my way to the woods behind the cabin and just as I did the whole cabin blew up. I lost my balance and I turned around and looked at our cabin. I bit my tongue, to keep from crying, and I crossed my fingers that my dad was ok. I jumped up and them I remembered something. Night shades! Quickly I swung my backpack around and reached inside. Finally I pulled out the night shades. I zipped my backpack back up and put it on my back again. Then I slipped the night shades on. Instantly I could see all the trees and branches. I started hearing voices and I quickly scrambled up and took off running. The snow was falling harder now, but that was good, because It would cover up my tracks quicker. I ran through the woods, looking for the tree me and my dad marked. Finally I found it. I ran to my right and I came face to face to the river. I looked to me left and saw hiding place #1. I slide under the stone rock. The top part of the rock kind of hung over the bottom. Giving me enough space to hide. I waited a few minutes, till finally they came. "Hold on man, I gotta catch my breathe." "Yea me too" "Yea lets just rest for a few minutes, she couldn't have gone far" I could hear him lean on the tree with the mark. I hoped they didn't see the mark, it was a star, we had drawn it into the tree with a knife. "Hey wait, what's that on the tree?" My breathe stopped and I crossed my fingers that they didn't see it. "It looks like a star" "Well what does it mean?" "He must be craving these in the tree as he runs, he's trying to get the girl to follow him." "Well then lets go" "Yea we could capture the girl if she's alone but him and her together ain't go be easy" "Ok then lets go find that girl" They started running away, I waited after like 10 minutes to climb out from under the hiding space. So my dad was still alive, I thought happily. Now all I have to do is find him. I got up and took a different way then the people went and I started looking for hiding place #2.
I was cold, tired, and hungry, but I knew Hideout #2 was close. I counted how many steps I took. This is how me and my dad measured the distance between Hideout #1 and Hideout #2. After a while I started looking for the small lantern we set up. Hideout #2 was set up by the river, incase we needed water. The lantern was set up in the water hidden under a rock. I checked my watch, It read 1:05. I sighed and I went over to the edge of the river. I looked into it, and crossed my fingers nobody had found the lantern. Finally I found it and I reached my hand into the water and started pulling the rocks away that was covering it. When I finally managed to pull it out of the river I frowned. The lantern was placed differently then when me and my dad last placed it, and there were more rocks on it then last time. Instantly I pulled out the gun in the backpack. I didn't want to use it, but if they had found out our Hideout I might have too. I grabbed the lantern In my left hand and the gun in my right. I started running to the Hideout. When I reached it I couldn't help but admire how it stayed strong all this time. The 2nd hideout was a well-hidden tree house. It was hand-made by my dad, and after he builded it, he camouflage it. I ran to the ladder and put the lantern on the ground. I started climbing the ladder until I reached the the door. I braced myself and taking a deep breath, I threw open the door and aimed the gun. All the lights were turned off and everything was quiet, but I didn't trust that. I stepped into the treehouse, still holding my gun. I started feeling in front if myself, till I reached the wall. I felt my way to the light switch, and when I found it, I turned it on. The room instantly became brightly. I held the gun with both hands now that I could see everything. I checked around all the corners and I checked the cabinets to see if anything was missing. Some food was missing and the bed in the corner had been slept in, but that was all. I stepped closer to the wooden frame on the bed. Something was on there. I stepped closer and squinted my eyes, and finally I recognized it. It was a star craved into the wood, with what Im guessing was a knife. I gasped. Dad, I thought, he had been here. I breathed a sigh of relief. Thats good, it means Im right behind him. I went over to the small place we make fires at and light a fire. Then finally I went back to the bed and closed my eyes. I finally let sleep consume me. -------------------------------------- Srry for late update, let me know what you think??
When I woke up, everything was still the same, which meant nobody had found the hideout yet. I quickly got up, and went the the small space under the refrigerator. After reaching around for a while, I finally found what I was looking for. A box, the same as the last one. I pulled it out and pulled out a fresh pair of clothes, another gun, and a cell-phone. I grabbed the clothes and put then on. I wanted to take a shower first, but we didn't have one in this cabin. If I wanted to take a shower, I would have to go to the river. Collet some water and warm it up, and even then I would have to clean up the mess. Deciding it wasn't worth it, I pick up the gun and stick it in my belt hoop, just incase I need to shot fast. I grab the phone and sit on the ground like before. I get up and put out the fire. When I'm finished, the phone rings. I quickly run over to it. "Hello" I say, holding my breath like last time. "Hello" the voice says, but it wasn't my dads. "And goodbye" He says and then the shooting starts again and I fall to the floor with only one thought in my head. They had found him. ----------------------------------------- Yea I know you guys are surprised but Im a surprising person
Once I hit the floor, my body reacted instantly, while my mind was still on my dad. I put my hands on the ground and pushed myself up. Then I felt the treehouse start leaning. And thats when I heard the noises of a saw. They were cutting the tree house down! I was furious, but I knew that when your angry you make stupid decisions, so I decided to make some good one's. I quickly grabbed some food and a couple bottles of water. I smashed the phone with my foot and I kicked down the backdoor. The tree house was falling now and I readied myself to jump. Once the tree house was halfway falling I jumped. I hit the ground hard, grabbed my gun, from my belt hoop, and took off running. Instead of running directly on the trail behind the tree house, I went into the more wooded part beside it, this ought to give them a run for their money I thought. I could hear them behind me but I kept running, making myself move faster. I dared a look behind me, and just as I did a bullet went straight by my head. I gasped, to close I thought. I held my gun in my right hand and looked up to the sky, praying God would forgive me for what I'm about to do. I twisted around and pointed my gun at the dude who just shot at me. His eyes got big. "SHE HAS A G-" But he didn't finish that sentence before I shot him in his chest. Turning back around, I nearly hit a tree but I ran on. Glancing at the trail, I noticed it curved right, so I started running to my right. Two more bullets whizzed by my face again and I turned and shot the guy in the head, he feel to the ground, dead. I was thankful that it was morning time, and that It wasn't snowing anymore. So I ran on, pushing my body forward, thinking about my dad the whole time. After a few minutes, I didn't hear anyone behind me anymore. I turned around and looked. No one was there anymore. I looked to trail, but no one was there either. I stopped against a tree and caught my breath. Where did they go? I asked myself. Suddenly someone came behind me, knocking me down. My gun fell out my hand, but I kicked the person in the face. Causing them to grunt in pain. I reached and grabbed my gun. I managed to get back up and I aimed the gun at the person. "Wait! Wait! Don't shot! I'm here to bring you to your da-" But he didn't finish his sentence, because at that moment a bullet hit him in his leg. ----------------------------------------- I know what you guys are thinking, that im a mean person for putting her through this, Dedicated Song: Run (I'm a Natural Disaster) By Gnarls Barkley
I gasped and turned around, the person eyes got big when they saw the gun. Before they could run though, I shot them in the chest, twice. I turned around to the dude in front of me, and I dropped to my knees to try to stop the blood. If the dude was telling the truth, he could take me to my father. He was breathing hard and I took off the scarf he was wearing and wrapped the shot with that. I turned to his face and looked at him. He looked like he could be in his mid-twenties. "Do you know where my farther is?" I asked, hoping he could talk through the pain. He grinned. "Yes" "Will you take me to him, please?" "Your wish is my command." Said a voice behind me. Suddenly I was pulled up by my arm. I gasped at the pain as their fingers formed a tight grip around my arm. I turned around and I held my breath. They found me I thought. I looked at all the dudes, all of them wore dirty clothes from chasing me. "Now that we found her, we shall show her, her dad right?" The guy who was holding me yelled. "YEA!" The other guys yelled back at him. I quickly reacted with stepping on the guy's foot and elbowing him in the stomach. He gasped, surprised and fell to the ground. I whipped out my gun and the knife in my boot just as the rest of them came rushing forward. One football tackled me to the ground and I kicked him off of me and I shot the guy who was coming up on me. One came behind me and tackled me forward. I bent my arm with the knife in it and stabbed him in his side. He rolled off of me. I quickly got up and aimed my gun at the dude coming up on me. He kicked the gun out of my hand and started trying to kick me in the head. I kept ducking and finally when he paused I chose that moment to kick him in the stomach. He caught my leg easily and flipped me over. I landed on my face and stomach. I ignored the pain, and swung my foot at him face, taking him by surprise. He fell to the ground and I scrambled up and ran over to rhe place he kicked my gun at. I picked it up and aimed it at him, I was a second away from pulling the trigger, when I heard a gunshot and felt something in my leg. I looked down and saw the blood, I gasped and fell. The pain of them hitting me caught up to me, and thats when I realized something. I had got shot and then everything went black. --------------------------------- Oh no! She's shot! Whats gonna happen?! I dont know! Dedicated Songs: In The End By Linkin Park