daddies little girl

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by steelwolfe2, Jul 15, 2012.

  1.  can't wait for more
  2. 5 years past
    23 year old Shelby sits there watching her five year old daughter Alison playing on the play ground. She smiles a little at her daughter to this day she's still afraid her father will come after Alison but for the time she let's her self believe they can be happy. Alison runs over.

    "mommy, mommy did you see me do the monkey bars" alison squeals happily jumping up and down in front of Alison

    "I sure did. Good job. Come high five." Alison high fives Shelby and runs off.
    Shelby watches her daughter when she sees a man in a hokey mask standing maybe 200 yards from the play ground at the edge of the woods. Shelby runs over to Alison. "ok sweety time to go home." she picks Alison up and runs to the car before Alison can protest. When Shelby gets in the car she looks up and the mans gone.

    "what's wrong mommy" Alison says quickly. Shelby smiles.

    "oh it's nothing sweety" Shelby says thinking she mature for her age most 5 year olds wouldn't be able to tell. They drive home. They eat a quiet dinner. Shelby lays little Alison down for bed.

    "mommy *yawn* are you upset cause of that man who was at the play ground the one with the masss...." Alison trails off as she falls asleep. Shelby looks down at Alison worriedly. A tear rolls down her face.

    "damn it Eric why couldn't you leave us alone." Shelby says crying she hears a nock at the front door she walks down stairs and opens the door. Eric kicks her square in the chest.

    "daddy's home" he says crazily.
  3.  something is wrong with him...
  4. Eric should go dig himself a hole with his knife then die in that hole.
  5. He is insane!
  6. Wow! Bump bump bump xx
  7. Wow! talk about major twist!!
  8. Wow whats gonna happen the continuation of the cycle? Kill her and then take her child?
  9. Love the story and I agree Shelby's "Dad" should have not killed Tristan for no reason because Tristan never did anything to Shelby's "dad" and Shelby's "dad" should go dig himself a hole and die in it
  10. See that's the point though tristan never did anything but fall in love but this crazy person warped that in his head
  11. Nuu dont kill alison
  12. So if Shelby's daughter=Alison=Allyson=Ali=Me, does that mean that You(=Tristan) are my father? 0.0
  13. Okay, when I said DADDY'S HOME part came up, it gave me the creeps. Even when he was looking at Shelby in the park. Got goosebumps. Goodjob!!
  14. OMG I hate Eric!!! Update plz!!!
  15. What's wrong with him... He's physciotic
  16. Please Update 