hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Rose:
    Presses my forehead to his and kisses him lightly.
  2. Tay: well I'm Tay it's nice to meet you too.
  3. Mime: >.< Hey Xyriah, you might think this is weird as hell, but can I kiss you?
    Johanna: *Pokerface, sitting next to Hope* 0.0
  4. Xyriah:
    Blushes. "Why, love?"
  5. Gently kisses her back-
  6. Mime: >///< CAUSE IM ASKING-
  7. Blake: could you help me around I'm kinda lose-sighs-
  8. Xyriah:
    Blinks. "Go ahead... I guess." Swallows.
  9. Mime: *Swallows, kissing her*
    Johanna: What the fuck-
  10. Blake: I have the habit of getting distracted and getting lost easily
  11. Xyriah:
    Closes her eyes tightly, clenching her fists. (How old is Mime? :3)
  12. (13-)
    Mime: *Awkwardly pulls back, facetable*
  13. Xyriah:
    Pulls on her hair, biting her cheek.
    (>:D Xyriah is 16.)
  14. Tay:eek:h well I can help you -smiles- so where are you headed?
  15. (xDMime is like six'five in height though and doesn't say his age-)
    Mime: I need to go study. *Shrugs, dragging Johanna*
  16. (JESUS- xD)

    Groans, apperating to the Slytherin common room.
  17. ()
    Mime: *Reading, biting his lips*
  18. Xyriah:
    Mumbling, kicking at the floor.
  19. Holds rose close-