hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Hope:
    Laughs at him. "Nice Memi."
  2. (xD I'm only 11 so don't feel bad)
  3. I sigh and sit - it's just different...
  4. Mime: *Shudders, facetable*
    Johanna: Hey-
    Mime: Hey it-FUCKING WORKED DAMNIT-*Covers his mouth*
  5. (Bagsy 69th post )
  6. Rose:
    Clears my mind and gets into his head.
    Oooh not much in here airhead;)
  7. Hope:
    Watches anxiously.
  8. Xyriah:
    "Hello, Johanna."
  9. (Bitch Nellie .-. )
  10. Rose:
    "How is it different, Jake?"
  11. I've never been called any good names...the one I hear most- monster-...
  12. Blake: -walking around lost-woop did do did do
  13. Tay:-walking to the library-
  14. :)'D What did I do?)
  15. Rose:
    "Yeah... Sorry about that..." bites lip but sits on Jakes lap.

    (Not shy at all xD)
  16. Johanna: Hi, love.
    Mime: *Squeaks, Facetable* Hope. That. Tasted. Like. Piss. It still-FUCKING WORKED BITCHES-
  17. (Took one of the 69th posts from me )
  18. Hope:
    Rushes to his side. "Ohmygosh! Are you okay, Mime?"
  19. Blake: -sits down-I'm bore