hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. (I was at basketball camp today-)
  2. Rose:
    "Don't apologise, it's sweet." Smiles.

    (Bekka I came up with an excuse fr Angies disapperance.)
  3. (Hm? Let me hear it. I suck ass at basketball-)
  4. (I'm good at it, I guess. I'm really really tall. :'D)
  5. Blushes slightly and looks down- o ok...
  6. (Pah all I got when I was on webcam to Bekka was "Aww you're so small and pretty!" bitch please I'm older than you do NOT call me small -.- )
  7. (I'm 11 and I'm 5'7)
  8. (Omg, "Lileh! You be so tiny!"
    "Bitch, IM TALLER THAN YOU-")
  9. Rose:
    "What's with the blush, Slytherin?" Smirks slightly.
  10. (I'm five foot five ty very much xD)
  11. (Well fuck -.- smaller than Jillybean.)
  12. (Two inch difference doesn't mean shit. XD)
  13. Nothing rose nothing..- looks away
  14. (Still two inches taller than you xD)
  15. Mime: *Rubbing his head, whining* Yo Hope, anything to get rid of horns, a tail and deer ears?
  16. Rose:
    "Hey.... You can tell me anything, I know most of your past anyway." Smiles.