hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. (I love how you guys don't freak out when I say that.  Everyone says I'm lesbo when I say that.)
  2. (FUCK! I feel like Xyriah should help but I have no idea where they are.)
  3. Turns the the slithering and wand drops into my hand- noe did you just hurt my friend?
  4. Xyriah:
    Apperates to Slytherin, holding my wand.
  5. Growls and points my wand at the young boy- stupify maxima
  6. Rose:
    "Jake don't! I'm fine." Stops the spell and Walks over to the Slytherin. "You like magic? Well make a detention slip appear in your hand everyday after school for the rest of the term." Smirks. "Run along now."
  7. I look down -sorry..
  8. Xyriah:
    Watches, putting her wand in her robes.
  9. Mime: *Humming Save You Tonight, drinking*
    Johanna: *Silent*
  10. Rose:
    Giggles. "Even Sal never stood up for me around kids like that, Jake." Smiles at him warmly.

    (I thinks Rose likes Jake )
  11. :)'D How was your day, Bekka?)
  12. Hope:
    Arrives at the three broomsticks and walks over to Mime and Johanna. "Hey guys, sorry Mime I was busy.."
  13. Sorry I'm protective...
  14. Mime: It's fine. *Shrugs, groaning* Jo, my damn horns hurt-*Whines*
    (Legit. Watched the olympics~)
  15. (I closed my eyes did anything happen?!?!)
  16. Xyriah:
    Apperates to Three Broomsticks, looking around.