She's asking this: "How many girls would throw their panties for a girl band who has no talent whatsoever?!?"
... I don't like them. Their song is catchy though... Just wanna post. Anyway, this is my music: Ba dum tssss! -Breaking Benjamin -Kill Switch Engage -Chevelle -Korn -Slipknot -Motley Crue -Flyleaf -Asking Alexandria -Motionless In White And especially... Marilyn Manson
They are hated because they don't deserve fame. Their talents are distinctly average and have only made a name for themselves because of their "Good Looks". Hope all is clear now.
.-. 1D....1 doodle among them?? Idk but they possibly aren't the best thing to be fighting over? Maybe fight over how the government is bringing in this new Carbon tax something that could riddle this whole world into an in-humanitarian overhaul of poor, decease ridden and excrement covered population of people. .-.???
Carbon taxes will help to decrease CO2 release from developed countries. This will in turn help the earth to be a greener place. This will reduce the speed of greenhouse effect, therefore ensuring the continuity of humans as a race.
Yea all good n proper, but we have to pay for itexspecially with fuel and all thay going upits going to get hard for a lot of people to pay rent or bills of any sort.
That's why you should live like me. In a forest or something. Be a hermit Help yourself to save money
Humans race? Only some in Olympic games haha as for carbon tax why am I paying for shit I'm forced to use? I would love to live in a solar powered community, with candles at night but I would still be charged for the use of candles and the emission it gives out. Julia gillard gets this money but what does it go towards? Finding a better way to produce energy? No, so therefore I hate the carbon tax, I hate 1D, I hate bieber, I hate YOU! And I especially hate RED HEAD BITCH JULIA GILLARD
I don't like them, I don't hate them. Harry is so fucking ugly, Zayn is so fucking ugly, Liam is okay, Louis is so fucking ugly, Niall is okay. You might call that hate..