One Direction

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Beaa (02), Jul 29, 2012.

  1. She's asking this:

    "How many girls would throw their panties for a girl band who has no talent whatsoever?!?"
  2. All the members except one guy in One Direction are gay! Do your reasearch
  3. ... I don't like them. Their song is catchy though...

    Just wanna post.
    Anyway, this is my music:

    Ba dum tssss!

    -Breaking Benjamin
    -Kill Switch Engage
    -Motley Crue
    -Asking Alexandria
    -Motionless In White
    And especially...

    Marilyn Manson 
  4. I prefer rock so to me one direction is just gay... GO SHINEDOWN
  5. They are hated because they don't deserve fame. Their talents are distinctly average and have only made a name for themselves because of their "Good Looks".

    Hope all is clear now.
  6. My cousin named his classes in MW2 after bands I hate, like 1DIErection, Callmemaybe, all that.
  7. .-.
    1D....1 doodle among them??
    Idk but they possibly aren't the best thing to be fighting over?

    Maybe fight over how the government is bringing in this new Carbon tax something that could riddle this whole world into an in-humanitarian overhaul of poor, decease ridden and excrement covered population of people. .-.???
  8. Carbon taxes will help to decrease CO2 release from developed countries.

    This will in turn help the earth to be a greener place. This will reduce the speed of greenhouse effect, therefore ensuring the continuity of humans as a race.
  9. CO2, or greenhouse gases*
  10. 
    Yea all good n proper, but we have to pay for itexspecially with fuel and all thay going upits going to get hard for a lot of people to pay rent or bills of any sort.

  11. That's why you should live like me.
    In a forest or something. Be a hermit

    Help yourself to save money
  12. I do live in a forest..but in a house...owned by government
  13. Humans race? Only some in Olympic games haha
    as for carbon tax why am I paying for shit I'm forced to use?

    I would love to live in a solar powered community, with candles at night but I would still be charged for the use of candles and the emission it gives out.

    Julia gillard gets this money but what does it go towards?
    Finding a better way to produce energy?
    No, so therefore I hate the carbon tax, I hate 1D, I hate bieber, I hate YOU!
    And I especially hate RED HEAD BITCH JULIA GILLARD
  14. I don't like them, I don't hate them.

    Harry is so fucking ugly, Zayn is so fucking ugly, Liam is okay, Louis is so fucking ugly, Niall is okay.

    You might call that hate.. 
  15.  Totally random. No connection between 1D and Carbon tax. But I like
  16. Live in Asia, we have lower taxes 
  17. You mention carbon tax and I loath both 1d and Julia gillard equally lol
  18. The red head Mennace
    Using the money to buy her some new friends for the greens