Bride Auctions Bhinkyboo

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Ahli-LovesMike, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. Yay I still has a grand papa
  2. I need a family on here
  3. I am so loved by all 
    Thank you to all bidders. I'm untouchable. Protected by my papzy and my son baby boo
  4. Next bid please ahlie
  5. Yay  baby boo
  6. I gave up looooong ago 
  7. I winnnnnnnnnnn 
  8. 3 Teddy bears and 5 diamond rings 
  9. I'm always the loser !!
  10. BOO
  11. HOLLY!!!! I'm still your wedding planner 
  12. a trip to space!
  13.  Wow!! Jen!! What an offer!!
  14. I offer a trip to atlantis
  15. BIU bid our souls 
  16. I bid a cookie and a cupcake... Win
  17. Ahlie , She is engaged to No_Entry .I thought its already on the works with u as their wedding planner . Ill be the one who will give away the groom.Bosen and Riccena as major sponsor. Please dont forget the wedding vows part.
  18. My bff for sale?! 

    Wonder how high bids will go 
  19. Ada's nudies 
  20. I bid my heart for her!