Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Blake: -looks at the sky-
  2. Puddle:-What are you thinking about?-
  3. Drake blue: *hugs back sadly
  4. Blake: I'm not sure it's just fun looking at the sky
  5. Puddle:-looks at the sky and falls backwards.-
  6. Drake blue: *sighs* I'll just leave *stands up
  7. Blake: be careful puddle
  8. Amanda:-stands up- I'm coming with you wherever your going.

    Puddle:-is on his back trying to understand what is fun about this.-
  9. Blake: look at the cloud and try to find something you see that you like
  10. Puddle:-looks at the cloud and sees a drumstick.-
  11. Blake: it's not fun just watching the sky but letting your imagination grow by watching the clouds
  12. Puddle:-sees an all you can eat buffet.-

    (I can't help but wish Puddle was real.)
  13. Blake: -keeps on looking at the clouds-what do you think?
  14. (I'm thinking....

    Should icons back or leave? ._.)
  15. (come back )
  16. Amanda: Because if we aren't together, I do care about you.

    Puddle:-thumbs up.-
  17. Dawn: -keeps watching Jack-

    (Come back!)
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