Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FallenAngel12321, Jul 22, 2012.

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  1. Puddle:-does a cute little dance-

    Amanda:-smiles- Take that as a compliment...
  2. Blake: hehe cute-smiles-
  3. Puddle:-sits down by Blake's feet-
  4. Blake: hehe-smiles-
  5. Drake blue: *sighs
  6. Puddle:-hugs his Ankle-

    Amanda:-hugs Drake.-
  7. Jack: -stands there thinking-
  8. Holiday: Would you mind keeping an eye on Jack, to stop him from doing pranks?

    Dawn: -sighs- I guess not…
  9. Blake: so how is everything puddle?
  10. Dawn: -watches Jack-
  11. Jack: -sits- if she knows...
  12. Puddle:-makes movements saying. It's been going.... Okay.-
  13. Jack: -stands- man that's confusing
  14. Jack: -runs into woods-
  15. Blake: -laugh-that's good
  16. Puddle:-sits back down and looks at where his hand use to be on his right arm.-
  17. Jack: -climbs tree-
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