Lol it won't be so cute at the end muahaha. And I can't see the picture stupid 1st generation itouch.
Entry #3 Its evolving. The blob is growing four tiny little stubs on it's sides. They look like joints, with round ends, similar to the bones of a four legged animal. I'm afraid of what It will become. What is this creature? I can never be alone in my home. It watches my every move, like it's planning something mischievious. I've considered telling people about the abomination in my house. My next door neighbor, the police, my family? They might think I'm crazy or just seeing things. Am I seeing things? I'm starting to doubt myself more and more after each passing day. The thing also grew a mouth. A mouth, with tiny sharp teeth, making gnashing noises everyday and night. It's always crawling towards me, slimy mucus trailing behind it. I try to avoid it, but it's EVERYWHERE. In the kitchen, the attic, my bedroom, even in the bathroom. Today, I was planning on taking a hot shower, so I went into my bathroom and closed the door behind me. I even locked it. Once i stepped inside the shower, there it was. Oh no, not INSIDE the shower with me, but outside the shower door. It was made of glass, so I saw the lump of goo watch me with it's beady eyes. My shower only lasted about a minute. I mean, could you shower for 10 minutes with that thing watching you? Once I stepped out of the shower, the blob grinned at me with it's sharp teeth. I stared a it for a full 2 minutes until the thing crawled up to me and slithered over my feet, a trail of clear-white mucus drenching over me. God, how I hated that thing. I need to find a way to get rid of it. Is anyone even reading my blog entries?
Thank you i thought ff was lacking scary/creepy stories, so I thought I should make one lol. Eating pudding helps me write