
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Arcane, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. Is this thread for SBO to chat on now? 
  2. Yes.

    SBO owns this thread <:D
  3. Dananana. It's cheese. It's cake. IT'S CHEESECAKE.
  4. It's MY CheeseCake. ONLY FOR ME!!!
  5. NOPE!!

    She said she'd marry me 
  6. Drama?

    Why didn't we claim a better thread? 
  7. I'm talking on here because I'm silenced.

    My only way to get to you guys 
  8. Likely story....
  9. I'm not going to tell youuuuu~
  10. Who got Jada silenced?

  11. Jada is a bad child. Silence stick got her at last >:0
  12. I've already been silenced ;D

    This is my second silence ;D
  13. ;D
    We have so much in common